Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 32, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

Exp Points:
37,598 / 38,640
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Vote Power:
9.92 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d


I have never seen such an evil thing as this picture in a good long while.
Ya know, if you click on that gear thing up on the left, you can list all your links more comfortably on the right....Account Settings/Website and Contact Info. It's the latest thing :3

thanks man i cant believe i overlooked that feature, which reminds me i should upload something already XD

updated 19 July 2013:
i have yet to upload anything talk about procrastination...

So like I mentioned on Sab's post, sure, why not? Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes. Would be a real shot in the arm for the submitting Artists here, as well as a great NG hosted game/activity.

You seem proficient at listing details, and making a case, but If you feel it's a tad overbearing, I can always put together something in the next few days, cite her post comments... Or just make a thread in Art, but I tend to think this would be done in Projects, after a few quick PM's, idk...

Yeah, you see the main issue here is that i am virtually a ghost here (virtual ghost, get it? since is the internet and all... bad joke is bad), and i have been doing so because if i don't... i may end spending too much time interacting on forums and stuff, thus as mostly the consumer that i am, i have no idea of the organisation of the forums, so if it would be on Art or projects, but then again is proposed as an app, so i guess it would be under games... i have no clue, well i think the idea is pretty much already ordered as a workable concept, the main issue would be how to get someone who would want to make it into a reality, i could approach someone and make a public post so everyone who is interested may work on it or form a team to make it, but then again while it is a somehow simple thing it has some troublesome elements mostly on the streaming, online, and overall the server part that would host and connect the artist with each other and then the chat... the good thing is, that NG has a workable chat already (was that last year?) and the chat can also host streams if i remember.

so yeah the main problem is, i am a hillbilly/hermit i even deleted Facebook and just Tumblr, NG, art blogs and YouTube, takes like 2 and a half hours to clear (and this is not even procrastination since the psychology news and e-mails are mixed there somewhere XD), and i don't even participate beyond an observer, so you would have to reintroduce me to the virtual social life, Newgrounds forums and posting 101 hahaha, and how to PM someone out of the blue without being a creep...

talking about posting, i myself should upload something i said last year that i was going to do it, and i clearly have not... can i get scouted with one painting and a bunch of sketches (that i may or may not try to lazily clean on Photoshop as to hide class notes XD)?

I posted on Mattster's blog page, and he very kindly gave his 2 cents on the subject...

haha what coincidence i just posted the story to Mr.Deathink's user of the year recent post, but i proposed it as an app for the page instead of a game since i know the limitations of flash and servers would make it harder to make, and on among other things i also found out about the tank awards of 2012, and to my happiness LUCKY DAY FOREVER won, damn that one was so good.

Updated i just posted it on MindChamber's blog page, well i guess that makes 3, so around now we should make a proper post on the forums about this, but like the good procrastinator that i am i will sleep first XD.

You know, I think Luis did the 2011-12 Tank Award pages... really love the multiple fixed backgrounds!!!

I saw them suckers (the tank trophies), upstairs in the NG offices, the maker himself was there, scraping away at another mold, truly nice guy.... Tom was so proud :3

that's great man, i sincerely just found out about it, no idea why, since such an important thing should have got lost of promotion.

Took a long while to get the trophies made... no idea why it took so long, or why, now in the year 2013, for those winners to be finally announced. Those brass awards weren't cheap to make either, I'm sure. Yeah the winners webpage looks sweet... almost wish they had it on other pages here.

yeah i actually have no idea how to get there other than Mr Deathink's post XD, i just don't see any mention of it on the front page... other than the artist news and well... this at the very bottom "Doomroar sez: http://www.newgrounds.com/awards/
2012/ check the winners fo real, do it now!!"
hahaha and even that is gone.

Hmm, no awards index page, or link to it... or any of the past Tank Awards....

Man that's just wrong... why?!!!

Aaaaay man! Why u spamming Mindchamber?! Ease up on teh OG's here!

Haha i just tough since i was on that i should start with whoever seemed active, since the other big shots seem too busy to even answer comments so i say to myself what bea... no wrong line so i say to myself what a convenient opportunity, but relax i just got him and was planing to start hanging out PMs, but i realized that the idea needs to be more organised,so stopped myself, and is not spam like proper spam XD, unlike what is going on your blog section now that is spam haha.

Better..... give me the better part of a day to digest all those words you put on my post... think it's better I read em all, then give you my 2 cents on the matter... though, with what electricity costs on the East coast, more like a nickel

Still have to consult my real world friends on the tech aspect of this... odd since I showed both of them how these silly silicon chipped gadgets work. Shit, I got some bucks coming in, maybe I'll pay for a course, not go, and get my MS cert A rating... need to brushup on a lil DOS first tho.

haha sure take your time, i don't think this need that much of an expert consulting, is more a matter of organizing the idea.

Now Sab's has started a Twitter for the Art here!
Been trying to devote attention to the art app description you wrote, but I had two shockers today (yesterday): one here with a friend and one IRL. Gotta choose dishes over your words for a little while longer!

yes she did, and i pity the souls that will be administrating that, twitter is mini-slavery tool, mixed with spam, you add 5 persons, take half a day without looking at tit, and well it pretty much defeats the purpose of following someone if you don't care for what they said, but if you do you will have to swim across a sea of spam!

Also an outpost for all the things Newgrounds sounds like a good idea, it would increase the presence of the page on the interwebs, but it kinda sounds contradictory, at least for YouTube the current outpost would be Yazza, but i wonder how many people get redirected from there to here, i know his Art critics section as got us some new artist but they upload once and disappear, that or get stuck waiting for scouting, on Tumblr... well what it needs is to be updated more frequently one post every 4 days doesn't really gets too noticeable, and as for FB i don't use it so i can't say anything about it, but i will bet is in the same state than the Tumblr and YT ones, the problem with YT is that they were unable to get a partnership, so to upload something there even as propaganda is somehow self harming... now i wonder if Kongregate and Armor Games have to deal with these things too? funny thing back in the day i was this | | close to end staying on Armor Games instead of Newgrounds, but the series here got my eye.

can you believe we are still getting our asses kicked on "War of the web" i will never be able to launch... it has been a year already.

also why is Nintendo bugging Tom now of all times? man i tell you when shit comes it rains.

This is really quite droll! It feels my spleen with ecstasy.

Oh, i'm glad that is pleasant to your spleen tastes, i hope this also leads somehow to a better cardio.

I made an awesome typo in my last comment. Made it ten times more lovecraftian.

no idea man, it seems perfect to me...

Someone loves the craft. The Lovecraft that is.

I declare myself as guilty!!

Kurt spelled backwards is truk. Which is how someone wouls spell truck if they were kicked in the head enough times as a child. That amount is roughtly fourteen times with a regular boot, five and a half with a steel toe.

I'm somehow certain, that if some one is kicked that many times, in their infancy plains, head, they will be surely dead.

Thanks man that makes Niet's comment way more readable XD. But how did you predicted that?

*looks around questioningly*
Carry on.

I... i know, vacations are over... and i din't advanced in the slightest... shame on me XD.

Oh, I don't know about that. You certainly gave all concerned parties your two cents, made some new friends, stomached all the crap submissions (like Clock Day, and every day before or since)....

Well by this point the clock-crew is just free save points haha, and i always try to give some half decent feedback, but i was actually talking about my panting(s) i hardly touched it!!!!

Someone has a really stretchy neck.

I think that is more of those really hard meats, that try to be bubblegum, so they stretch and stretch, and it doesn't matter how much you chew they still refuse to fall apart, and then there is no more taste in them... but you are still chewing!

All the gum I've ever had has been hard and brittle, it's from the bubble slums.

Same here, and i have tasted gum meat a little too many times, may as well became vegetarian! haha.

A what? More like vege-square-ian. Shapes are living things.

Well is not really a moral decision, is more of a taste(culinary?) decision, meat flavored gum made me do it!

Now i promise i will abandon all my idealism of cannibalism as a viable option to solve the world's food shortage and inequality distribution problems, and i will also abandon all consumption of living organism, the very moment that we successfully develop a way to create our own edible and healthy artificial food, until then, what a waste it is to bury or burn peoples cadavers, and if that is too much... there are trees out there that could do with some tasty humans... the public doesn't necessarily need to know what is that nurtured those apples, grapes, bananas, onions... well they already don't know that anyways!!!

I can't believe i went there again is like the 3rd time this month only...

You got a problem with my poems! Well, I got a poem for you.

I'm the violence of a razor sharp faction
My reaction is one of patience
My statement is gaining traction
and my... something something, this is bullshit, peace I'm out.

Man that girl got you pussy whipped... hard, and you seem like you are still drunk... i don't remember saying that i got a problem with your poems, and i believe i don't, well your late love rants are somehow avoidable, but that is because i don't really have any decent feed back, or interest into your love life... or anyone's love life for that matter maybe mine included, but if you wan't me to say anything...

I know, that i am making this absurd transition from civil engineering to psychology, and your case of depression after failing a love relationship is interesting and all, but really... i find these things so futile and meaningless, i know i probably will see a lot of classes that deal with these things, but counseling is not really my forte, i am more of a research and statistic kind of guy, how we learn and get information, and why we act and behave like we do, how that mouse reacts in this environment, and scaring little kinds with withe toys... that kind of things.

So what can i tell you? nothing i guess, we all kinda know that, there is no such thing as another half in another being outside ourselves, we can became independent and complete ourselves, to seek a partner to complete our lacking attributes is just immature and a show of dependency, likely the social model of the housewife is long dead so we would not find a girl to treat us like kings no more, so what else is there? a physical attraction? that is practically like paying for sex... then there is the infamous "i like her for her personality", but personality is an ever changing thing, not even she herself may know what her personality is, or if whatever she is letting you see is just a mirage, so if is something like that you are seeking friendship, but then people complicate things with the social constructs that remained from a time that is no longer here.

Look man... i don't really know the details that lead to your current situation, and i myself am fairly young(as far as 20's can go), inexperienced and currently uneducated in these matters, but, as we are born alone in this world (unless you area a conjoined twin... exception...) in the end we leave alone, and people come and go, you just have to accept this and move on, again im no counselor and i neither plan into becoming one, but i dare to say (getting as full of shit here as i can), that you are overreacting, just chill, and be nice to girls one of them will fall for it... i think? hahaha, sorry for being so unhelpful.

Uhum, so here it is man, the message i never send you, because i really a look down on love so much, that i simply don't care, and even if i did, i really can't give you major feedback than, the defeatist saying known as "you just will have to accept this... and move on", you know i hate that, lets upgrade it, you will have to "understand" this and act accordingly, knowledge based upon a rational basis can solve anything, so there you go, i am pretty much sending you now into some difficult forest, but hell you can do it!! well... i really don't know if you can, im just trying to be considerate here, and now i am being honest, which just completely ruins my previous statement, but is the internet, if we can't display this level of honesty here, then our machiavellism is off the hook, and with that say, never take advice from some random guy on the internet, even less if he advocates something like cannibalism, or using cadavers as fertilizers... There you go i just nullified this entire message!

Oh, I was just having fun with the poetry, as for the response with that, "Rahdedah", my last post was more of a writing exercise than anything, taking my meaning of the song's lyrics and turninng them into a very personal narrative.

Oh i see well, anyway i guess i just made a comment to the personal part and totally ignored the poetic part of it, but you deserve my rant, for fucks sake everyone who dares to shares their love sorrow deserves a rant telling them to spare the world of it!

But now that i analyse it with more detail, i guess that is true... i really don't like your poems, the love ones, about you getting dumped that is hahahaha. And while i am at it i guess im not a fan of love-poetry-chattery-pottery in general.

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