Woah, one hour; 19 minutes of combined video material! If time was free...
Music seems like a savage business though, and still so many people try to get into it. I guess it's food for the soul; some of it's spoiled.
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08
Woah, one hour; 19 minutes of combined video material! If time was free...
Music seems like a savage business though, and still so many people try to get into it. I guess it's food for the soul; some of it's spoiled.
Yeah i like to have proof backing me up for each time i complain, so it wouldn't sound unfounded, that's why i complain little but when i do, is damn text wall, or in this case video wall!!
But i hope my point is clear, he is a bitter bastard, who likes to play martyr and get away with it.
Drugs can certainly do a number on one's mind, especially after quitting them. Heroin and cocaine are especially nasty, because the brain stops producing critical chemicals needed, and are damn slow to do so again, once the drugs cease.
Nietz on the other hand... must embody the soul of every songwriter, who's pierced the mortal veil.
Oh yeah at least Mr Nietz has consistency, if Doughty was just as consistent, then i wouldn't mind that much him being a dick, the problem is that he is a dick, an asshole, but he labels himself a victim, if the whole band was bad, he has to accept that he himself is bad too, a horrible dude, which for the sake of all that is fair lets say is the fault of the lack of drugs...
Feel sorry he doesn't have any friends willing to set him straight. The internet pads tough love kinda well, but is there no one in his life to say, "Hey man..."? And there's so many lessons to be learned out there, from fellow musicians!!
Well he has "friends" that help into feeding him his delusions, so in some way they "support" him, now if that support is the correct way that can be put up to devate.
i see, so you changed your avatar to the old one... wait, is that a shinny background?!!
Same BG, just better positioned and zoomed out... haven't felt comfortable with an art program since 2000, but I can muddle by on my crappy version of GIMP. Actually, it fucked up enough, I couldn't finish my Madness Day pic.
Hahahaha, i for once liked it, it was understandable, well kinda.
Ever see this guy's work? http://dimitrikozma.newgrounds.com/
I shouldn't be awake right now... haha.
yeah i knew of him, i already have him on my favs, an incredible artist indeed.
with that said thanks to your reminder i just added his blog page http://dimitrikozma.blogspot.com/
it even has files for download!!
Everyone is allowed there own opinions and beliefs, and they can talk about it. But if they act like an egotistical cocksmith than I'm not going to listen. Like in politics I could think of a few examples. I'm a environmentalist, kind of liberal. I don't ignore everything that every republican says. But I'm not listening to Rush Limbaugh, because his ego is hanging right out of his ass. Or the governor of my state, Paul LePage... he is such an asshole, everything he says is just a bunch of dick vomit spewing from his mouthface.
But I saw a tea party guy speak last week at an anit-monsanto rally. And he was against the company, but he also stood for a lot of things I am very much against. But he spoke respectfully and his ego didn't factor into what he was saying.
And my state has had a lot of politicians like that, Olympia and Snow... I might not agree with them, but they weren't assholes. So at least I could give them the time of day if I had to.
Yeah i understand, that assholes shouldn't be paid attention, or taken too at heart, as their contributions will mostly end as a waste of time, but the problem here is, that this particular guy, as immature as he has exposed his past, was still a really important part of the band, even if he confuses the creation of lyrics with the writing of a whole song, and to explain why i should not ignore him, i will need to engage into a little bit of writing, i apologize beforehand, and if you excuse me, i will proceed now.
All this time after the band ended in the beginning of the 2000's, for almost 12 years his life (the life of Mike Doughty) as a solo artist has been rooted in a constant bash and just plain bitter hate against his former band "Soul Coughing", and now he is releasing and showing us all his vision, that infamous and unknown "real" sound, that "true vibe" of what the songs of SC where supposed to be as per his mind, it sounds like a decent idea to give it a try and listen to what he is all about.
Then i understood, that guy is unbelievable, the album is definitively different from SC, and 2 or 3 songs are somehow decent, but the rest is plain garbage, and some of them are even insulting, for example to butcher "Monster man" with dog barks is something that no one, not even if they worked int he song, should be allowed to do, let alone sell, and i hardly am able to see what he is so proud of, when this is practically a hate work.
This bring us to our present, should i have ignored him? no, it was important to listen, and collect information, an then show the reality, that this man has been unable to detach his past, and is still just "Mr Bitterness" which is funny because SC has a song named like that, it was important to show that he is not a victim or martyr, and that 3 songs which "benefit" (and by benefit i mean don't get themselves ruined) from some pop or pseudo disco beat, don't justify the desecration of the rest. So this may sound like me preaching to the converted, but most people out there, know nothing about SC, and others may even believe the words and actions of Doughty as something that is justified, so i just have to show what the man says, and what he does, then compare the targets of his action, which are not the former members, is the music itself, and the fans, because really to think that, that Doughty is the same person as the vocalist of SC, and that now is doing this, is distasteful, so im not here to defend the member of SC, because all which Doughty has said could be perfectly true, but, i am here to defend their music, because it is what is being attacked here, being called as "trash" by the very man who is making "trash" with it now.
So is it fair? for him to release his own version? yes it is, but by no, and under no circumstances it is to call this thing better than the other, when is clear that, in one place the two versions can't be compared, and in the other is evident't how Doughty is just taking retaliation against his past.
And that is what i am trying to show here, how this new work is just a "hate letter" from Doughty to his past, and not a rectification or rightful restoration as he is trying to make this thing to be known.
Thanks for reading.
Whoa, wat a shit-ton of vids! Just watched the first vid, and can understand some of his bitterness... it's exposition about an unseen side of the industry. I can tell you, even in the minor leagues, it's just as pissy and insane.
Oh yes i have pondered, and have come to the conclusion that it little matters now if all the things he said are true, lets assume that all the band members and the manager were a bunch of assholes, and our guy here was just a music genius martyr being held back by drugs and his uncooperative band, but that still doesn't explain how it is possible that he is such a dick now that he is "clean" plus the music prodigy part still evades me, and then there is that remix, it changed the songs from an alternative rock group to a cheese pop movement, he talks about funky and upbeat disco feel, and you know to be fair 3 or 4 songs manage to do this pseudo funky thing just fine, but god does he butchers everything else? which is weird because he is crediting himself as the goddamn writer, the father of the songs, yet he does a damn bad job with hem now that he is solo that is.
So to make my statement the most empiric and neutral possible i put all those videos there to exemplify my complain outside my own perspective, because deep down i don't want him to be such a prick bastard, but damn... is proving difficult, i just can't deceive myself in the same levels as he does.