thanks for the suggestions- Tekkonkinket is available on GooglePlay but for 9$ (I don't spend over 3$ on movies, yeah I'm cheap like that), Metropolis 2001 and Memories are not available, I've seen Animatrix...I just watched the first episode of Texhnolyze (or was there a film that you were talking about??)...sick theme song!! but that's all there really was to it, just an amalgamation of various melancholy scenes, there was no consistency or clear message to it, nothing to really make sense of...does the change in the later episodes
the Akira film was on Adult-Swim last night...sickest anime I've seen in my life!! It's hard to believe that the film first came out 26 years ago. Every anime I've seen since then has fallen short of its greatness...Well there was the Ghost In Shell film playing afterwards, which I have not seen but really like the series, but it was way too late...
Akira is indeed one of the best animes ever created; I would recommend Tekkonkinkret; Metropolis 2001 (an adaptation of a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and the movie was directed by Katsuhiro Otomo), and Memories (which is also by Katsuhiro Otomo and Satoshi Kon, both of them are beast, they are monsters in the world of anime, most things they do are masterpieces
About Ghost in the Shell, i don't know which one they were showing, if it was the one from 1995, then watch it, it is good, if is the ones from 2013, then it is still good... but it lacks all the nice things that were proposed in the original one, the Arise series is actually a series of prequels to the actual GitS, and while the whole story of Major Motoko Kusanagi is a clear example of a ghost in a shell (since she is just a brain on a droid), these modern movies don't question that at all, they take it as a given and move on, the original one however does circle around this concept, and the main-character even becomes just software at the end, one with the net, it is one of those omnipresent arguments view from a transhumanist point of view, in the following sequels we see how Major Motoko interacts with the world while she is fully digitized, she gains a series of abilities, but you don't know if she is alive or not, or if she was ever alive, a similar anime that explores these things in a serious manner (digital transhumanism) is "Serial Experiment Lain", all of these are cyberpunk animes, The Animatrix is another good one (and i guess i mention Psycho-pass in this blog), however the best cyberpunk anime that i have seen so far at least for me has to be "Texhnolyze" (because for the public the battle goes between GitS and Lain, and i don't think they have seen Texhnolyze), man Texhnolyze is such a satisfying experience, filled with dystopia, with philosophical questions and a clear message, is beautiful in a horrible way, and that ending, that ending was everything i could have asked and i can see why some people don't like it, because it is so tragic, but not all stories need a happy ending to be good.
Anyway for now just watch those 3 Tekkonkinkret; Metropolis; Memories.
There's also Studio Ghibli, that can be seen as the child of Hayao Miyazaki (another monster), however i find it funny that Hayao's best story ever made "Nausicaa of the valley of the wind" was actually made before the creation of Studio Ghibli, and thus it has nothing to do with them, and yet the story is great, of course the manga is better (also written by Hayao).
While i am making comparisons i actually like the manga of Akira more than the film, but that is just me, Akira is just incredible in all of its mediums, which is something that i can't say of Parasyte for example, Parasyte is a story that if adapted to anime deserves to be put alongside all the other things i mentioned here, but it is such a bad adaptation, it is such a betrayal, it is sad, the 3 movies i am recommending you (plus Nausica, and Akira,) all of them are adaptations of manga, and yet why is that Parasyte's adaptation has to suck so much? is fucking unfair.