Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

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Potential Rock Lee inspiration now that you mention it. :) Been really reading that Naruto manga lately...

For sure. Just seems like speculation at this point, but speaking of news, what do you think of this: https://nerdhaspower.weebly.com/ratg13-is-fake.html

Mmm. Probably.

Probably not anymore, but ca forty years ago they freed up a lot of loans for those who'd moved North and exploited the land up there. All with good intentions but... it was around the same time they dried up large areas of marchland for farming. Old wet dream. Turned the ecosystem upside down apparently. They've been trying (without much real effort or resources though) to fix it since.

Huh, sounds like a real monopoly with the carries now... how did that change pricing? Pretty much the same with all three? Good to know about Netflix. Seems it has some heavy competition here, but popular too.

Reminds me of that one guy on NG covering all those religious topics, if I remember right his name's Dustin too...

Aha. Well I say aha because I really usually don't read that kind of news. XD Or news in general. Very selective about what media I follow these days. it's mostly idg.se (which I'm surprised haven't mentioned that, maybe just missed it) and torrentfreak.com

Mmm. Then again people can get stuck in abusive relationships too, fear of change doesn't necessarily imply that current live is good, just that you fear the prospect of life getting even worse with change. or that there's some part of your life you don't want to give up even if you know it's self-destructive. Not speaking for myself in particular, but comfortability and routine isn't necessarily synonymous with well being.

Btw, recent research shows people sleep worse within close range to wind turbines, something like 1km. They haven't figured out why exactly since the noise is inaudible, but seems possible frequencies can affect you even if you don't hear them. Was in the local paper the other day so don't have a source to link to here, but seems relevant to mention. Just like wireless technology even if you don't see it eh?

Wildlife has decreased drastically during the last few decades you know? Birds move further and further into the forests. Bees are sparse supply. They're not researching enough though IMO.

Yeah, hopefully financial opportunities don't way heavier than truth. The French government branch for public safety, whatever it's called, recently published some 50-70 page report detailing a worrying lack of research done with regard to 5G and public health. Slovenia have postponed their plans to build the network due to potential health risks. Switzerland and Brussels are taking the safe route too. It's a relief at least the whole world doesn't jump on the bandwagon immediately, especially since current smart technology works fine even without 4G, we already have parking meters, wastebaskets, utility meters etc that transmit via 4G, and there's plenty of bandwidth to spare. The amounts of electricity required to power the amount of base stations 5G required is insane too... current power output isn't enough. Of course they'd be phasing everything in gradually, but this is just not good for us on so many levels. Not necessary. But yeah, time and timely opposition will tell...

I don't think the world will end, but the situation for humankind definitely seems to be getting worse. You do believe in climate change right? The threat of our mindless financial pursuits? Sending up some three hundred satellites the past year apparently also increased the UV radiation in the Northern hemisphere more than usual, large ozone hole over one of the poles. Had sun blisters for the first time ever this spring, didn't even know it was a thing.

I don't think I've claimed we're headed towards an apocalypse though. :) It seems more like slow death. Infertility and general disease, people just getting more and more tired and useless under the burden of increasing radiation, pollution; all kinds of environmental strain...

Of course it'll be life as usual no matter what, there'll always be new technologies and aids that let us cope with whatever problems come our way, and humans are incredibly adaptable after all, but I'd rather the world become a better place than just continually bogged down by our baseless want for unhealthy technology. We're not the only ones living here either. Feel sorry for all wildlife that suffers at our expense. Maybe it's not as heavy there, but I feel like you can notice the effects of radiation if you just look around. Trees in line of radiation wither and die.

Ah man that's a shame. So... how's the study situation going now? All caught up?

Lee is the best character, a pity he doesn't gets much action or focus later on.

It is better than the previous conspiracy theory send my way saying that the virus doesn't exist and it is a product of mass hysteria. Well not the first time i am sold the idea that the CCP is covering up their bioweapons R&D, but then... this would make it quite the fuck up since they are not gaining much out of it, you would need the next piece to make that conspiracy appealing, explain the motive, the reason for the event, not for the existence of the weapon, but for its deployment, also the nice thing about man made weapons is the kill switch, so that can accelerate things if it is artificially made.

It dropped then stabilized.

Torrentfreak is your video game news source? ok.

That sounds like an old man speaking, what happened to us millennials being a bunch of manchilds?

The local papers... i will reserve my judgement, maybe your journalists still have integrity. But have some sources would be great, even if dubious, like that guy from the conspiracy about the virus being man made? he didn't had a lot of sources but he had some sources to back his stuff.

Yeah but that has more to do with city expansion than with wind turbines and cellphone towers, because it comes naturally with city development since before cellphone towers.

But for thinks like autonomous cars, real time streaming and derivative products you would need 5G, if you want a more real concern think about the amount of pint point accurate geolocation data that will be able to be handled with such tech, since they are aiming for real time transmission.

I do believe in climate change, but not as a byproduct of space expansionism, for example the ozone layer is closing,
But that doesn't means climate change is regulating itself, it is getting worse because we still have not dealt with other pollutants and carbon emitters.

We haven't had high enough radiation based tech over here to see trees wither and die, so i can't say i notice such effects.

I managed to hustle my way into postponing things for the next semester, and will change the thing to an state of the art review rather than an experiment, that way i deal with less people, with less protocols, permissions. In a way everyone that said this was gonna happen ended being right, i however will shift the blame on the pandemic just so to deny them the right of being right.

Yeah they only get certain nutrients.

So you are ok with the Dyson sphere?

I don't remember much of my own infancy, so my earliest coffee memory is around 10 or older, probably, i was on a trip don't remember where, but we had to pass the cordillera, it was quite cold and we made a stop at a restaurant, and i drank hot coffee mixed with cacao and cheese, yes white cheese inside the beverage, don't even remember what it tastes like, probably burnt my tongue, but i think it was good, or odd enough to remember.

Wood and iron? there's a dick joke somewhere to be made there XD.

Says it has a mild addiction, and can quit anytime he wants, yeah that sounds like an addi... someone that is totally not an addict.

The big 5 are shown as the ideal positive ones, but people are mixes of the spectrum, but it is usually expected of them to be mostly made from the standard ones. You know the wikipedia article puts a really heavy emphasis on how personality is molded by the environment, and just a lil bit on genetics, i find it interesting to see you focusing on that part. Could it be because you associate national identity with biological heritage?

No idea, i try to stay away from alcohol so i don't pay much attention to that part of life, i do know however that for like 6 years fruit flavored Heineken became really popular with women, or at least it was very popular with women 6 years ago, i... have not been on the game field for a bit. As for local exotic alcohol, i suppose there must be a bunch, but again, no idea, other than beer the most common thing is aguardiente / firewater.

No idea, i sure would love to know why public transportation gets away with it, it is just expected that it wont be on time.

Na, i don't think i have ever taken an actual ice cold shower, just cold, hell probably it is actually just fresh compared to ice cold, maybe even warm.

But then you never mentioned the controversial things you found about him, while reading about his Vitamin-C research.

She is called Big Mom, for she is actually big, and quite a fertile woman.

Oh man that final arc of Naruto is a mess, a mess, i regret it a lot.

That's good, Boruto is quite mediocre, but if you actually want to end the story of Naruto, you will have to watch The Last Naruto the Movie, i think that's when the series actually ends covering something really important, it was also quite a meh movie, infuriating even, but well Naruto was never one to handle social relationships.

You telling me that historically ninjas didn't wear bright orange jumpsuits and screamed their attacks at their enemies in the middle of the day!?

I wont ask, i probably only liked 3 shojou manga in my life and i can't even remember their names.

Well lets hope we learn from the pandemic to change our ways.

Right, yeah, I believe they only give certain nutrients via that water though. It's not the natural diversity of soil. But I do see the benefits.

What?! No I just meant the sun. XD To use the energy we get already, no need to split atoms to make more when we already have a massive reactor at a safer distance. But Dyson spheres hmm, interesting...

Aw, to live in Colombia and not like coffee...

Nice. :) Well they are fighting for a reason after all. Or were, at least? Mmm interesting. Did you grow up on coffee too? What's your earliest coffee-related memory I wonder?

oh that's interesting. Wonder where we get our flowers from over here, you'd think it's all locally grown, hard to transport that type of stuff too far... might be. I just have no idea though. I know the wood and iron industry is huge, so might just be that.

Hmm! Well, moderately addicted... I CAN go without. True that.

Those big five almost seem like a personality ideal that no one really has. Maybe a few, rarely the entire spectrum, at least not with the people I hang out with. Interesting though. To think certain personality traits I've thought highly cultural to be all genetic. Just that our responses to experiences differ, not how we feel but how we handle those feelings... to some extent... how a Scandinavian typically handles intense stress I imagine is typically: bite down, keep going, get introverted, silent and pessimistic, and either make it through or run into a circumstance outside their planed course of situation handling that then triggers that breakdown and it'll seem like they went bananas over the most superficial thing. That or just break down immediately because we tend to get stressed all too easily over here.

Good habits man. Speaking of though: what beer's common over there? Have international brands taken over at all? Any kind of ancient herbal alcohol-based brews in circulation? I am a bit interested in those, though drink rarely.

Aha. Seems like a potential conflict of culture where certain parts are forced to adapt and other parts aren't? Back when we lived in Costa Rica nobody was on time. Thought I'd be a bit like that. You could hire a carpenter to come one day and he'd come the next instead. That's just how it was. At least back then.

Interesting! And they really are cold? Ice cold?

No no that was it. Before you mentioned that I only knew about his beneficial c-vitamin experiments.

For sure, though shops have plenty of gluten-free stuff here too. It's trending, even people who don't have problems with it go with the flow for the health benefits, much to the aggravation of people who work in traditional kitchens/cafes.

That's true. :)

10 babies at the same time, damn, powerful woman. Shows why some of her kids really are so devoted...

Huh, you regret it? I'm currently missing one book so haven't yet finished it, delivery times are crazy from the UK right now, but so far so good... I have some disappointing memories from the anime, but the manga: it's solid! Great backgrounds too. So much detail.

lol. Have no plans on picking up Boruto though! I'm fine with just the intended arc. Naruto. The man, the myth, the legend... it really tells a tale that's relevant to our time though. Conflict resolution essentials. and I love ninja culture, even took a course on Japanese History before 1868 back in university. Not that Naruto's that historically accurate but still. Some parallel universe maybe...

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? I don't know man it sounds kinda... bizarre. I have actually been reading some shoujo manga lately too though, bit cheaper than the other stuff, really not all bad...

*don't weigh heavier than truth
*works fine even with 4G
*Trees in line of base station radiation wither and die
*their planned course

What's with all these random word switches man, my spelling bee getting worse...

Was also going to say, this covid-19 things feels like a good wake-up call as to how fast our lives can be so drastically altered on a global scale. Everybody not noticing or caring for gradual degradations, but in the end it's not all there. Everything we do has some effect, it's all more noticeable as a larger whole and in the long run.

...but in the end it IS all there. Arggh...

Somehow managed to put all my replies in 2 responses, counting this one.

Yeah, sometimes it feels like he's there just as a homage to Bruce, would've been cool if he played a bigger role. A Rock lee spin-off manga hmm! Wouldn't mind...

You think there might be a kill switch in the virus? A way to just... turn it off? Was thinking maybe you'd understand the sequences a bit better than I did; know if it was reliable or no. Seemed pretty convincing though. Even if the more interesting question would then be: who really let the virus loose, and why. Was it really accidental...


Just plain news source, that and the other, for video games and anything else. I really don't follow the news much - seems I rely mostly on other people to get the info I need.

Eh I'm not a millennial? Do feel a bit old, burdened by responsibilities and insights as to the worthless leaders that steer our way... alas, future seems bleak for that new gen. Though my nephew's turning out alright. Way more of an environmental activist than I am. Millennial stereotypes bruh.

Well no, journalists here are terrible, it almost feels like they're puppets for the state sometimes, but when it comes to environmental issues they usually brush everything off as nothing, so when they actually do report on technology as negative it feels like there must be more to it than they can ignore. Anyway, in this case if you search for 'wind turbines affect sleep' you apparently get plenty of results. Might've been this one the article was referencing, though summarized a bit differently: https://sahlgrenska.gu.se/english/research/news-events/news-article/wind-turbine-noise-affects-dream-sleep-and-perceived-sleep-restoration-.cid1683304

...not that notable then, but it does suggest it'd be way better with solar panels... Never mind the wind turbines though. They're a minor issue. Not the best way to get power IMO but definitely not the worst either.

5G, yes, geolocation's another danger, tracking everywhere, and security issues when you start connecting alarms and other household systems to the Internet via wireless means. Autonomous cars, real time streaming and derivative products... it's really not the kind of future I want.

You're right that wildlife decreasing is probably in part an effect of city expansion too, but it's noticeable even in the wild, where base stations are a lot stronger as to make up for increased transmission distances. Birds and bees don't behave how they used to anywhere. I really am not imagining things man! We used to get way more natural pollination about a decade back, fields are relatively empty now, there's still enough where we live but it's just depressing to see. Clear evidence something's a going on, and the only thing that seems logical is this increase in microwave radiation. Hives communicate with their own frequencies too. All this progress has consequences...

Hmm that was last year though, but you're right, the one I was talking about's apparently closed now too: https://www.dw.com/en/record-size-ozone-hole-over-arctic-now-healed-and-closed/a-53304374

You're probably right, I'm not sure what impact a few hundred rocket launches would have compared to everything else that's going on but it's probably not huge... it's just an area of expansion I don't like. If they skipped those they'd save a lot of fuel. Been curious as to the relation between the damage airlines do and that of regular personal transports, and how that balance might be changing with these lockdowns. People flying less but driving more.

That's good man. Hope it stays that way. Sweden's really on the forefront of this stuff, might be a good country in other areas but our tendency to try to outdo everyone else when it comes to technological innovation and all is no fun at times like this.

Nice. :)

Hmm, well I really think we'd be fine with just sunlight as is, but it's a fascinating idea. Feels like a dangerous thing to mess with such a massive source of energy though. Not just because we might not know exactly what effect the current spread has on us, and what could be impacted if that changes to our supposed benefit... it feels dangerous enough with NASA building a moonbase now. Any modifications seem to have the potential to somewhat alter our gravity/rotation too...

In the mountains hmm... exotic memory fragments. Would that cheese possibly be anything like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leip%C3%A4juusto

Shouldn't be too hard to to make one :)


Interesting, and cool to see my own impressions enforced in teh science. :) National identity related to biological heritage hmm... what does that mean exactly? That I associate stereotypically nation-bound personality traits with race-related ones from said region? I do, but that'd be because I believe we're probably heavily influenced by those we're surrounded with growing up, and you're typically surrounded with people of similar heritage too. So racial traits get linked to personality traits by circumstance. If you mean national identity as in identifying with a particular nation though...

There's is a Rock Lee spin off, sadly is just a gag manga, so nothing special happens. Rock Lee deserve better, but Kishimoto is not that good of a writer, you will find out if you keep with the story, it hurts how bad it gets near the end.

I don't really know about gene sequencing to understand it, but i do know that it is possible, by kill switch i mean a vaccine that can counters the virus, antidotes are made in parallel with poisons. Well if it was an accident then that's the worst case scenario because the chances for counter measures lower themselves.

I see.

"Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with 1981 to 1996 a widely accepted defining range for the generation." - Wikipedia.

You are millennial, sorry you had to find this way, While your nephew is probably a Zoomer.

Well that's a start, I would love to see a recreation of that study being done with 2 changes, they use population unfamiliar with the idea that WTN disturb sleep, and they don't use unfavorable condition in the experiment, even less conditions that are "The sounds were chosen to represent relatively unfavorable conditions, with a slightly higher average outdoor noise level than is currently permitted in Sweden.", i bet those 2 changes would affect the results of "a small but statistically significant difference that, moreover, was independent from habituation to WTN.", you know aiming for statistical significance is the start point is when you can assure yourself that something in your experiment is the cause of the effect rather than just randomness, however it is not enough to tell you what the cause is, for example it could be the above average levels of noise, the preconceived notions of the participants, the artificial environment of the experiment, the WTN itself, etc. These studies need follow ups, and i hope they keep doing them.

Well as someone that would love to have his own chauffeur, i would love some of that future, the other parts not so much, smart household appliances are such an intrusion of privacy and a security risk it gives me anxiety.

For that i present you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colony_collapse_disorder#Electromagnetic_radiation
There are way too many things affecting them to put the blame entirely on telecommunication technology. You would have more success blaming radio waves than microwaves, it sounds like nagging at semantics, but it is important because they are not the same, is like comparing UV to X-rays.
Anyway let assume you nailed the right wave that is affecting our bees, even with that there are still other factors more impactful than light waves explaining the dying of our pollinators, not saying they don't play a role in this case, just saying that there is a myriad of things that play way bigger roles.

Talking about the light spectrum, here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4pxw4tYeCU the guy is hilarious, but you may find him particularly tackles on this video, rude even, however he does explain how the electromagnetic wave works in regard to 5G in simple terms.

If i remember right the carbon footprint for transportation is one of the biggest ones: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions

Rocket launching is not that big of a factor because they are relatively rare compared to the high number and frequency of use of planes, ships, and cars. Also a good chunk of them use hydrogen as propellant so the byproduct is water instead things like CO2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_propellant
Also rocket fuel is really only used for rockets, so there's no fuel being saved by launching les rockets which is already a low number compared to everything else. Making the rockets tho, that's were the Carbon Footprint appears.

Also Wind Energy is the one with the lowers carbon footprint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_footprint#The_carbon_footprints_of_energy

I know you say it with the nicest of intentions, but you see, technology doesn't has to be an enemy, look at you picking a fight with rockets of all things. Man i would love if my country had an space program for example, so I must deny your wishes and wish for the exact opposite, and hope for technological innovation.

Dude a moon base is something that sounds more grandiose than it really is, but i like how your nightmares are my dreams. Imagine a moon base big enough that the damn gravity of the moon changes!

Nope, that's if i understood a hard grilled cheese served as a side dish with coffee, this was soft cheese and was inside the coffee (the cheese was floating in the coffee), it was this cheese: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queso_blanco

No, i mean the first thing.
And well i disagree with it, example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_Brazil
Brazil is a heavily mixed nation, they have all, European ancestry, African ancestry, Asian ancestry, Amerindian ancestry, to the point that everyone has similar heritage and completely different heritage, and yet they share similar culture and national identities and behaviors.
Here's a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXF2t1AEzi4

On the second thing your feelings are correct, matter of fact there's a theory of developmental psychology about it, it is called human development and ecological systems theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urie_Bronfenbrenner#Views_on_human_development_and_ecological_systems_theory so congratulations man, you can read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecological_systems_theory and now you know your feelings have a name, and a frame.

Aguardiente is not a brand, is a type of popular alcoholic beverage, like Vodka, the most popular brand of aguardiente would be... i have no idea, probably Aguardiente Antioqueño? I don't want to point fingers, antioquia seems like the ones that would like that thing the most, they are the most machist and Aguardiente is known as a drink for real men, since it fucking burns your mouth, but every region has their own version to destroy torture their throats. It is not a pleasant experience, you will have a bad time and end drunk.

As for homebrew alcohol that is more unique i guess: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicha over here it is made of sweet corn, and it varies from restaurant to restaurant, i don't know of the existence of a Chicha brand, is like asking for a lemonade brand, Chicha is not just a Colombian beer, but a Andean and Amazonian beer.

Chicha is sweet, and actually quite enjoyable, it gets you drunk quite fast tho, mostly because people would drink a lot of it, aguardiente on the other hand fucks you up fast even if you don't drink a lot of it since is pretty much ethanol with water, and i suppose is cheaper.

Why the fuck i am still talking about alcohol? i don't even drink, anyway those popular Heineken beers were citrus sweet.

The average temperature of Sweden is 2.10, over here is 24.50... my cold is probably hot for you.

The Rock Lee Spinoff is not worth it.
Mmmh the 5 kages vs Madara, you are still kind of far from the horrors, the writing will get really really bad, man the fact that you get to talk about characters grow... and talk about "compared to others"... just enjoy the relevancy of everyone while they last, they will get the Rock Lee treatment and fade away. And no, Sakura will still be useless and have nothing special despite getting a lot of scenes, undeserved, she just got to be on the team of the protagonist.

Yep, the manga ends, but the real real ending actually happens in that movie. The only thing i liked about that movie is from me being a Hinata fanboy, and even then there are plenty of things to dislike about that movie, as a Hinata fanboy.

What book was it?

I have read a lot of garbage, a lot, 10 landfills worth of it. I regret everything, but that's the risk you take when you hunt for gems.

Maybe the owner of the blog gets more characters?

...that seems a bit more individualistic. My family for example may have personality traits stereotypical to our race/location, but we don't relate to our nation. I feel humans relate to family first and foremost, then to the groups they interact with, then possibly to some extent to their country if they happen to interact with groups that have a mutual interest in or relation to said nation. In this case I'm not sure we have those ties... there needs to be a certain similarity in beliefs between one group and another to relate to the other group's ideals too, and I can't say I relate my family-based ideals to those with other groups I interact with... at least not to a large extent... might have a part to do with the divide when it comes to nation/personality.

Hope we're speaking about the same thing now though....

Aguardiente hmm... is that an actual brand, or term for more homebrew stuff? Interesting about the fruit-flavored beer too, tried lemon beer recently and that was actually pretty good, maybe those are too... otherwise no beer fan. Too bitter a brew for me. I keep trying to see if my tastes might change.


lol going from cold to cool to warm... if you ever happen to have a thermometer in the shower it'd be interesting to know what's considered a cold shower to you. :)

No but you did right? I just looked him up more in detail after you told me more about him, prior to that I was totally oblivious. Just knew about the c-vitamin thing


I'm starting to relate... the inconsistency with how certain characters grow compared to others and how they tackle everything that comes up is starting to be a bit noticeable... just got the part when all five kages line up to fight Madara though so for a moment that's all redeemed. Bad-ass line-up!!!!! Read on one of the author info things that there actually is a Rock Lee spin-off manga too btw! Though more comedy than the original. Don't know if I'd want to read it after all...

The Last Naruto the Movie hmm, might have missed that one... I stopped actively looking for sequels and stuff like this quite some years ago now, will check...

lmao man until now I've just never questioned the color of his suit. XD Well who knows, maybe autumn was longer back in the day,..

About that last book I ordered btw, it took a month and they still hadn't shipped it so I bought it locally instead. Too long.

Hmm have you read a lot that you DIDN'T like?

Ey man amen! Hope so.

And man how did you fit all the previous responses in just one message. O_o

Did it again in one reply! well 2 counting this one.

Ahh dangit I see I was the last one to not respond in our convo here... shall pick it up someday.

That cold you had earlier was it a cold? Hope the thesis is moving along again; ya feel more motivated and strong again.

Read there's an avocado surplus this year btw. Is that something you notice over there? Coffee suddenly got hella expensive though.


Yeah it was just a cold but it lasted like 2 weeks, so a strong one

The thesis is now a combination of 2 fields in order to secure a director, so it is now a state of the art revision of how the category of gender is used in investigations about cerebral differences, so i have to work with a director specializing on gender and another in neuroscience, and sure enough one of them started their sabbatical, which would have been the end of it all but luckily i have the other one to keep working on it

Well we get avocados all year around so you don't really notice those things over here.

As for coffee... i am not really a coffee drinker but the lats ice cream coffee i had was billed properly according to inflation, everything is more expensive now, but coffee didn't jump in price more than other goods, actually one thing has become cheaper, GPUs but that's mostly because the crypto market crashed dipped, they could be cheaper tho, i need to upgrade my PC!

? = we had a previous convo going below but I never responded back to the last response therer, bookmarked for future.

That's good to hear. Seems 1-2 weeks is pretty much the default for me, closer to one if you rest up, closer to two if you don't.

Aha. How much more time did you have left on this at this point, if there was a deadline? Really is a complex field.

Oh it's not even seasonal! Nice. The price never varies according to supply/demand either? Over here most vegetables can be stored for a year or so as they're sold, so potential crop shortage/surplus one season affects pricing the next, with avocado I figured long-term storage isn't an option; fluctuations are direct. But if there's always a steady stream... what a different kind of market.

Interesting. I'm a caffeine addict myself right now unfortunately, and the price is about double right now, it'll probably rise further. But they've been warning it'd happen for years at this point. Should've bunkered up. Hadn't noticed the dip in GPU price! Interesting too. Bought a new computer last year actually, last one lasted ~11 (still going strong too, it was just getting a bit too slow; interfering with daily dues). So happy with the new. LENOVO IdeaCentre T540. Hybrid gaming/creative workstation. Works for everything.

Yooooo, how's it going good dude, were you still practicioning? Working now? Good to see ya still lurkin' aound the site. :)

Merry Christmas too! 🎄🧨✨