Alright i will be posting some of my stuff here but meanwhile for the disappointing part, i will leave you with an image made by the great Barlowe .
as a side note goes without saying don't expect that my work get as near as these guys men just think about it if i were that good i would have made this long ago.
For once the aforementioned text is actually true!
I have never seen such an evil thing as this picture in a good long while.
Ya know, if you click on that gear thing up on the left, you can list all your links more comfortably on the right....Account Settings/Website and Contact Info. It's the latest thing :3
Doomroar (Updated )
thanks man i cant believe i overlooked that feature, which reminds me i should upload something already XD
updated 19 July 2013:
i have yet to upload anything talk about procrastination...