Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 32, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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Jared Africa Is alive!

Posted by Doomroar - May 21st, 2014

UPDATE!: We got another brand new chapter of Berserk! talk about surreal! man maybe i died sometime around april and i didn't noticed...

Ok so you may wonder who the hell is that?

Jared Africa also known here as conundrummer is an awesome artist, and his paintings/drawings have go around the internet mostly uncredited but if you know who is behind them then there is no way for you to don't know that they are made by him. http://conundrummer.newgrounds.com/


Here you can see an image that pretty much will give you an idea of what he can do, so now we know that he is still around.

Here i will leave other pages where you can see more of his work:







So why is this guy being alive important? other than his characteristic art style?

Well because before i even decided to make an account, this guy was one of the reasons for me to actually appreciate art in the internets, before him i had a really poor opinion of internet art submissions, and then years passed and i found or better said paid attention to NGs art portal, and lo and behold he was also here! by that point in time i had already made an account, but i don't really know what was first if me searching the art portal for something, or me finding him on the art portal and acknowledging the place as a legitimate web for art, i don't want to belittle Newgrounds but i have this strong impression that it was him the one that made me actually recognize the art portal as something worthy of the time spend browsing, hence i me making this post.

And with this said, i will return to the scouting portal i was last time i checked on page 720 out of 2243, when i was most active i was able to review 100 pages per day, so catching up shouldn’t be problem specially now that we have 2 pages merged into 1, so who knows we may discover another hidden talent.


Awesome art indeed! Shame he's not active on NG though... as for the portal, comparing to the other art portals I know of (that is... DA) it holds a pretty incredibly quality standard. So high that I'm hesitant of classic most of my work as portal-worthy, and leave them as sketches instead. :/ It's a closed but crazily creative showcase that place!

Woot, scouting for talent again!

Well he was away from everywhere, and just appeared now with some recent uploads, so he may post something here too? i hope at least...

About the portal, i have my reservations, because there is a lot of submissions that sincerely if i were to open the page on campus they would go and ban NG again, i don't even know how or when they decided to drop the ban, but early this semester i was able to connect using the PCs of the main library (and i don't want to risk it).
As for quality standard i find it mixed, there are good things, and there are some doubtful things, and even among the good things a lot of them are quite generic specially when it comes to digital art, now this problem is not a thing that is proper of NG but of digital artist in general, i am not going to trash-talk anyone in particular, and even less i will use the community of NG as an example, but i need something to back up my accusations, so i will use the commercial submissions to the workshop for The International 4 http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=570&section=merchandise is currently around 70 pages long, but it doesn't really takes that much to go through them.
Ok so here is the deal, since they will all be using a theme in common it is fair to compare them based on that same thematic, so can you discern who is a pro, who is a hobbyist, who is self taught, and who is just trolling, this include good drawings with low quality and out of place submissions like these :
Of course these examples are incredibly obvious, but i bet that some people and maybe even the artist consider the "Death Prophet T-Shirt" as an actual legit product, and following that line, who knows what else.

Yeah i will be scouting again, recently scouted http://phatypuscomics.newgrounds.com/ and http://docsnipe.newgrounds.com/ who even got front-paged, so who knows what i might find, of course the main problem is that the more i advance the less active the user.

Hey has a really nice style of art.

I'm glad he's still alive.

Yeah he is awesome, and that he is still alive is even better!

Oh, there is hope then! Should've probably clicked the link before commenting huh..

Haha yeah, especially if you don't have the A tag blocked! I never had trouble with NG in school, but I don't think most Swedes know about this place anyway - or maybe they've started block it since then, it was a while back after all.

Hmm, checking out those submissions but... I'm not sure what's fairly obvious? That the designs are a mixture between innovative and entertaining, some more professionally designed than others? Some playing on temptation rather than clever ideas? The Death Prophet was pretty cool wasn't it?

Not bad finds! Still pretty impressive you find active users that far back in the queue! When I was looking it seemed like all great artists that far back didn't have four pieces you could scout them by, though no doubt I've missed many.

And he is back here too! rejoice!

Yeah i really have no idea how or when they decided to unblock the page, but i am glad they did, however each time i visit and i am not at home i get this feeling of doing something illegal... XD, yeah even the M tag is risky, hell the T tag is risky too! haha.

Oh my point is that there is no variety, they are generic, some artist with totally different backgrounds end making things incredibly similar, and that has happened in art for centuries, yes it is what is known as trends, but since we are in the age of technology more people are able to participate and create more content, so the issue becomes even more apparent, my mind set before encountering Jared Africa was that there was nothing special, nothing at all on digital submissions, once you saw 10 to 15 guys you have seen it all, and he was the one that proved me wrong, so of course the more i searched the more awesome artist i was able to see, but over all, the trends are really living up to their name of being trends XD.

The Death Prophet one was pretty cool, but is nothing special, plus it wont really pass as a product for the main event, because well, we risk more than what we gain, i don't really want to say that it opens a window of opportunity for body pillows... but it opens a window for other things, that are more fitted for events of games like LoL(which heavily uses sex-appeal to attract a player base).

Yeah, it takes mostly luck, and to actually contact them outside NG once you find them, that helps to seal the deal.


Haha, I'd be more worried over logging in on a computer that's not my own, security risks and stuff, for some reason I've become a bit paranoid... maybe you should start visiting some porn sites too btw, then the next time you visit NG it'll feel like a totally safe and harmless place in comparison. :P Base psychology.

Ah, well you're examples were the ones that weren't generic right, the ones that stood out amongst the mass? Cause if that's not the case then... well maybe I haven't seen enough art yet... there are definitely trends with certain motives, but I feel all the ones I see have a unique touch or style to them, never gets boring. Btw, what do you think of Catoblepas artstuffs?


I contacted a couple via DA to see that they were legit before scouting, a while back, and someone scouted them before me. :C


Na since i am already using my own student password to log in on the computer, i may as well log in on my NG account, if i get hacked i can pretty much trace it back, and well if i do get hacked that means my student account got hacked and that is a pretty big deal.
You crazy!? you want me to browse for porn using my student account!? you know that they keep a record of what pages you visit, after all the idea is that you use them for academic research... well i bet some students may have some thesis that involve research related to porn, but i am not one of them plus i would have to specify the nature of my research, and... forget it there is just no way, i risk way too much.

No no, those examples are examples of trolls, so yeah that is not the case.
I like his stuff, but i have to look at most of his work from the conformity and privacy of my home XD.

Haha i actually had to have Wade to go and scout someone else for me since the scouting system was glitching.

Ah, well with a student account.. scratch that other idea!

Oh, trolls, shame... they'd have been sellable products!

Man you are serious about this scouting thing! :D I'd have thought you had way more scouts, but on the other hand they all seem to be really great artists. Wonder what happened to shanedominico though.

You want me kicked off from university by looking at porn using the campus computers! XD.

Body pillows, B( o )( o )BS shirts, and underwear! wait... no, hell no! man this is not league of lesbians, dignity may be a social construct, but even if it is we have it! for real... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5phl8p3euG4

Yeah the 14 i have (because one decided to leave the internet, he closed his DA, Facebook, Tumblr, everything) are awesome, and if i picked artist that do fan-art, anime, and hentai, then damn that is practically everything else, originally i decided that i would avoid picking still-life and landscape artist, but i realized that the genre is actually not popular inside the net, or better said thanks to conceptual art (character design and all that), it has become part of the minority art, while 20 years ago it was the one controlling the art scene, and at 800 pages in (at the time) there won't be anyone else scouting so i might as well scout them.

If they had a generic university account for everyone there would be no such problem, no way to pinpoint who visited what at what times or when and where (well they'd know all of that except for the who - the key factor).

You don't think people would wear those? Just look at all the stuff over at http://www.tshirthell.com/

I wouldn't wear barely anything from there myself. But some people...

Guess that 15th user was shanedominico then? Profile's still listed at least. Ah yeah, those are the generics, but still fun to look at! IMO! If you do stumble upon any great artists that you for said reasons don't want to scout you could always send me a messsage, JSYK, the things I take into consioderation are that 1) the artist submits consistently good quality stuff, so there's no/little risk I'll get unscouted and 2) that the art is actually theirs, so ditto. Yeah probably not many people browsing around the midst of the mass of unscouted people, I'd guess those who do go back pick pages at random (as I did) or just see what's at the very end.

And why would they do that? no, even better why would the be a problem, indeed why would anyone be looking at porn using the university resources for things other than serious research!? XD.

Oh people will buy it, no doubt dem bastards will, but is it worth it? to sell our image just to gain some little money? Valve doesn't need to use such schemes, we have the biggest E-Sport event with a prize pool of over 6 million dollars! and growing, hell it even beats traditional sports.

Yes but i don't really feel like i have to scout them, i can leave them to someone else, it saves me time and effort since i don't have to contact them and stuff, oh sure if i find them i can send you a message, i actually have passed a few of them, however i ignored them here because i want this page to be more pure (i know too late for that XD), so long story short i have ignored quite a few already (mostly fan art, and original characters makers, my fear is that they will eventually end making only porn like Shadman or Spazkid, and then i have to live knowing that i was the one scouting them...), and that number can grow a lot if we include already A+ rated art (are you ok with porn because i find a lot of those too).

Because a lot of unserious people go to the university too? Because porn is a basic human desire? :P IDK, I just know there are universities with guest accounts that anyone can log in to...

Worth it for me, personally? No way. For those who sell or wear? Why not, it's a free world after all. And even if I wouldn't want to wear all those shirts myself, I'd be somewhat entertained if others did... not all, but some, like that Death Profet one, I wouldn't mind if that became a trend. That's an impressive pot btw.

Yeah, whatever's your aim! Awesome; thanks man. :) I wouldn't mind having been the scouter of a celebrity like Shadman or Spaz, despite their choice of motive (well actually I like their motives... most of them - the dickless ones) they are pretty impressive and admirably efficient artists. Always cool how people can make a living off of their dream, and still stay creative.

And that is why we have that restriction so those unserious persons won't go around wasting the resources and time of the library, and other computer rooms!
Go fulfill your desire somewhere more private dammit!
Oh we have "open" WiFi and that stuff, but we still block pages there, but yeah that can get you some anonymity (why you using the university's WiFi to look at porn you bastard!?).

Worth it for the company (valve) to start selling body pillows, i am not talking about the artist or the customer (well the other costumers may be guilty by association), also these are to be sold at the main event of The International 4 the most important E-Sport event, if there is a time to start thinking about image is at that moment.

Ok i will make sure to send a lot of dicks your way XD.

They have student accounts just so students won't watch porn? :O Surely there's a grander scheme of thought behind it! But ah well, for them it's a working system then. Hmm wifi, why fight your desires, when you can transpire to the night sky like a wise kite!

Aha. Might not be the best imaging for Valve indeed, better they start a subsidiary company to make use of all these great ideas without harming their reputation...


The students account is to identify yourself as well an student... and under the context of the net use the student account grants you access to the academic resources, while also restricting your access to distractions, maximizing productivity, that is the whole idea behind it (probably some members of the arts/design/etc. institute argued that NG may have some educational value so they allowed the page, and i don't want to know if that was the case, because maybe it is a bug and i am connecting just by luck, maybe if i ask them they go and block the page again XD).

But the products would still end being sold at the main event... so is kinda pointless to associate with a sub-branch that will in the end still be using your installations to sell such kinky apparel... and these are all submission that seek approval to attain just that, the privilege of being sold at the IT4, and that is what makes it special that all those products become seasonal and collection worthy, which raises their value.

So you want dem sausages? XD, all juicy and stuffy? hahaha.

Maybe they started to consider it a social community apart from being one of those place you can easily spend large amounts of time doing useless things... just like FB? I assume FB isn't blocked btw? Or G+? All the most time-consuming locations...

Ah. Haha yeah, better not risk it!

Well I wasn't thinking that potential subsidiary company would sell those items at the same event, maybe they could open up a webshop, something not directly linked to Valve.

That juice! http://youtu.be/XUYVxtW-77g

Sadly FB and G+ aren't blocked, but that's it because they are under the assuption that people use it as a platform for "work" and "study" and not just friendly socializing.


But the whole point of the products is to sell them at the event, to increase profit and value around the IT, if they are in the web store then they lose part of the attractiveness to it.

I will make sure that they come extra meaty haha (no song comeback here, i don't know one that could be gay enough to cope with the joke XD)

Yupp, tis the way of the world! NG could be used for similar purpose though.

Arght, my point is: they could take the products not fit for sale at the event, that would potentially still generate profit, and sell those elsewhere! That grand event should still flourish of course.

lol, let's just leave it! I hear the dong.

Yeah it "could" be used like that haha.

I think that they can do that already without the interference of valve, i think that you can sell user created content from outside the stores of Valve, is one of those cool types of copyright.

Oh that's a good one, but i had a recent question, should i send you old and new dongs or just the old and you can search for the fresh ones? haha.


Man I'm outta counters. All types! :P Though I do go through new ones every once in a while.

Cool indeed.

All types of sausages? from the wrinkly old to the smooth brand new? ok, XD.

I take it your school doesn't have residents?? i mean my school's wifi doesn't censor websites-sure public computers would block pornographic content I presume (although there have been instances where people have viewed porn in libraries lol) but censoring adult content when the viewer is hooked up to the school's wifi in their dorm seems a tad...inhumane

Yes sir you are correct in your assumption! the "dorms" assigned to students are not really within the parameters of the campus, they were repurposed in the early 90's(probably before that) and now the buildings serve as classrooms and offices, so the actual dorms are outside the university, i actually live with my mom (is really advantageous all things considered!) so i never got to pay attention to where the actual dorms are, they probably are somewhere in the middle of the 2 main branches which are kinda far away from each other, but the city is not really that big so it must be ok.

ehh, I live with my parents too, have done so every year other than my first. It saves thousands of $$ but for me it's more disadvantageous, it's 1-2 hours a day wasted on transportation, also less opportunity to get involved with the school, less academic resources available had I need them...i just wish I took my privileges more seriously when I was freshman

I waste about an hour in transportation, but i don't really see it as that much of a waste (i use the hour reading and the like), having less involvement is indeed a thing that i should be taking more seriously, and as for academic resources i haven't encountered that problem yet. So i think that i am doing just fine, even more i don't have to worry about getting a job (with a real wage) before i have to, so there is that, for example this year and the previous one i didn't worked, that has to be plus.

Ever thought so hard about something that your eyes popped out of your skull. Well, that's what I call an eye-dea!

!! Oh i see so that is what it's called, but i don't think that i have ever had my eyes popped by hard thinking.

You just haven't been thinking hard enough.

I see, well in that case i would need to try that next time i go to the toilet, just in case that something else ends popping out XD.


I don't think that anyone can help zorboig anymore.


I know right!? is just too damn weird and unusual, and bizarre and just fucking awesome!