Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 32, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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It ended at 45 but somehow i was at 50

Posted by Doomroar - September 21st, 2014

It was short-lived just a couple years, but in that time i managed to bring some good 45 artist into the portal, and somehow i was under the impression that they were 50, anyway today i got notified by M-bot, and lost my scouting privileges, but i am still allowed into the art portal, i have no idea why this happened, but i will not question it.

On this couple of years all the artists that i got to scout were already incredibly good, and would, without a doubt, been scouted regardless (or so i think), or otherwise have some incredible amount of potential and with just some more uploads and time would have gotten themselves scouted by someone else.


So as far as new artist go nothing really changes, nothing at all, but what about the old ones?

When i got scouted i decided to go on an adventure and check the unscouted section chronologically, and managed to arrive halfway to the end, finding myself with unscouted artist from 2009, but at that point it is just nonsense to hope someone to still go and check their profile for an scouting notification, so when i started classes i decided to put that quest on hold, "they have been unscouted for years, waiting some months wouldn't make any difference right?" i said to myself.

Well that didn't worked as planned XD, haha oh well, those users are mostly no longer active here, and is understandable, i actually got in contact with some of them and they all have different reasons for not being using NG as an art outlet, however i do believe that if they ever try to give it a go in the NG of today, they will get themselves a good barrage of scouters behind them, and more importantly some good user exposure on the Art Portal.

And what about the rest? well, you all are great, just keep uploading and eventually you will get scouted.

My last scout was Themightycaolf his art is greatly promising, and at times i already consider him to be there on the "you can't really advice nothing else" zone, if anything he has the obnoxious problem of having all his uploads looking sideways, but that doesn't impedes you from noticing that the guy is good at that thing known as drawing.

Well with nothing else more to say, it was a good ride, i can still check the unscouted portal, so i will be making recommendations if necessary.


How does one peruse unscouted artists?! Oh wait, only a scouted artist can do that right?

Just scrolled though your 'tree' and wow, everyone of them looks promising and serious! Remember when jiovanni first started posting, everyone was downvoting her? Do you counsel your scouted artists on making their work look more presentable, and not just a sketch on white?

Anyway congrats man, elevating your fellow man/woman is a noble task :)

Yeah only scouted artist can browse that part of the portal, the good thing is that i can still go and navigate that part, so in the end i lost nothing, and deep down i know that i wanted an excuse to not scout people, so this is working for my lazy self.

I always try to give constructive criticism both for the good and bad things, i am not one to hold back, i myself like the sketch on white aesthetic but if i see that they have a talent for coloring then i tell them to explore that side more.

So 5 out of 50 of your scouts were not up to snuff, that's not bad, and you helped a lot of people in the process. But this was over the course of a year or two, right? That's a lot in a short time.

The problem I've encountered most, was comprehension, and following through on undeniably good advice... some folks have the talent, but aren't scout worthy, for lots of reasons. Maybe there's a post in Art 101 we could point them to...

Yeah almost 2 years, i really don't know what happened to the other 5, i can't even find their profiles, i do know one deleted all his stuff entirely from the internet, not only it cleaned his NG page, but also his Tumblr and DA, but even with that i should be able to find the empty NG user page...

Well what i encountered lately was people flooding the portal as soon as they get scouted, and then having to wait a whole month or week until they could post again, as for following on advice, most people don't do it mostly for artist high, pride i guess, i tell them anyways, but is up to them if they want to follow it or not. Yeah an Art 101 would help a lot of people.

I've been hoodwinked more than once, with people posting stuff they stole, passing it off as their own. I know mods will simply delete the pictures and chide the offender.... but yeah, it's not often people cut all ties with their online personas.

http://art101.newgrounds.com/ It could use an index and more links spread about. You have to dig a bit, but there's some worthy posts there... I think it's linked at least once in the NG Wiki help... somewhere. Yeah, rookie mistake #1: flood all your content out at once, then wonder why no one's looking... recognition (here) is a process that takes time, and a lot of virtual hot-air/networking/ass-kissing on the part of the artist, to a bunch of strangers on a new site

It's almost like war, and we're the old soldiers trying to keep the noobs alive and watching our backs. But as time goes on, the replacements/new recruits are worst than the last, dropping like flies, faster and faster, as the conflict turns for the worse...
*nap time!*

Oh that was not a problem for me, i hunted them down man, and if i find them i went and created a user page and send then a message to check if they were creating an account here, with the current image searching of Google this process got incredibly easier, well not like i do that now, since i can't scout anymore haha.

Wow interesting that page could do with a lot of exposure, maybe a big ass link on the Art Portal, it would really help everyone. Haha yeah, but i don't like those kind of artist, but well they have to do what they have to do.

Sweet dreams, sweet princ... wait! wake up man, this shit isn't over yet!

Eh, there's mods who like Google here, let them look. Guess you could still go vigilante....

Again, the Art mods could just post the link to Art 101 in their sig, suppose I could as well.

Nah i like to do the full deal by myself instead of waiting for the mods to bust them, anyway that's a thing of the past now.

Yeah they could do that, maybe after the redesign they may add it if someone with influence makes the recommendation *looks at Vicarious*.

If they restructured the NG wiki, so each one of the 7 menu buttons had their own help sub-sections... this site's a bit of a mess still, it's like job security for the good guys here... but folks do fall through the cracks, and I don't visit the Help section of the BBS as much as I should

Oh man i send people to the BBS all the time, which is incredibly irresponsible on my part since i never go there XD. Oh i was talking more of this redesign: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1374247/1 but yeah restructuring the wiki would really help.

I had to glance around atypically here today... you weren't the only one unscouted recently. The fashion police had a crack down!

Oh i am still scouted, i jut can't scout others, it seems that they got us in bulk haha, however it seems that i was not able to scout Themightycaolf after all, but whenever i try to make the recommendation this message appears: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/e8fa6096cb98aaa078b126412330a11d
So yeah i may have screwed his chances to ever get into the portal XD.

Shame about all those scouts... was what I thought when I read this, but looks like at least they still remain! Guess some of the ones you scouted did something they shouldn't have? Or how about whomever scouted out? The current system isn't really fair in how it filters out scouts of scouts of scouts of scouts of (and so on) along with the user in question. Sometimes.

B0em had some bugs when he had to scout himself, so i don't know if that has anything to do with it, and my last scout got also all bugged despite me being able to scout him successfully, and now he appears as a non-scouted artist and when i try to recommend him this appears http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/e8fa6096cb98aaa078b126412330a11d

To be frank i am kinda glad that i no longer have to scout people, i don't really know why it happened, but now i can have an excuse to just not be as careful while browsing the unscouted section, BTW i am getting back to travelling the anals of the unscouted portal, so probably by the end of this year i would have seen it all, and most of those accounts are abandoned anyways so nothing is lost, i plan to make a post once i collect enough material so feel free to scout those guys if they catch your attention.

Here have a tease of what i have re-encountered these are from 2012 so not all hope is lost (well this would require extra work from the scouter like going out of NG and tell them to come back):

Of course as you can see my preference for monsters is on full swing here XD, but if you want i can start saving other genres like hentai (on a notepad), character design, OCs fan art, and that kind of stuff.

*how about whomever scouted YOU?

(what kind of typo is that?! damn)

Just noticed that i have 45 fans and 45 scouts, coincidence!? i think it is indeed just a coincidence and nothing else.

Man that sounds glitchy. Admins might want to know about that though, if it's something that'll affect more users than yourself! It's a long journey through that unscouted area... and now with one motive less... good luck! :O

Ah, nice works. I left a couple messages for a couple of those, hope they still check in from time to time. Yeah, if you stumble upon any potential scouts feel free to let me know about them! I'm not so fuzzy about different styles or genres, long as they seem to submit constituently quality work and it's definitely their own. :) But I can look that up myself if needed, no need for you to do the extra work.

Well B0em did reported his bug, and even made some forum posts about it, as for Themightycaolf, yeah, maybe is only me, i haven't heard any regularities from him, but that maybe is because as a new user he is unfamiliar with how the page works.

Haha be sure that i will not XD, i am no longer a scouter so my lazy self would get in the way of me doing any extra work, but chances are that if i really like the art, i probably would search for them anyways.

And a 45 is a lethal weapon too. O_o

Now if only i was also level 45...

In 45 days you'll be... another level. O_o
Just 14 more posts till... 45 posts. o_O
Just 34 more artworks till... 45 artworks. o_o
Just 24 years till... 45 years!! O_O

Woah man, this can't be just a coincidence. :O

What do 14, 24, 34, and 45 have in common? that all of them are 4 increased by 10 x n (were n is a natural number other than 0 and smaller than 4), except 45... 45 is a rebel you see.

They don't have anything in common! Woah man, that can't be just a coincidence. :O

Hah, spot on! :D Even when they are just coincidences, and nothing more than that, they are still so fascinating! 14 minutes flew by... wait a minute, 14 minutes, and you had 14 more posts. Just look at that coincidence man. :P

Oh snap! snap... it is 4 letters, and 4 is the base number on the aforementioned equation, what a coincidence!

That's.... unreaal! O_O

Unreal, fake, an illusion.
Illusion the processes that our brains use to believe in coincidences as real.
Real the opposite of unreal.
Unreal, fake, an illusion.
Illusion the processes that our brains use to believe in coincidences as real.
Real the opposite of unreal.
Unreal, fake, an illusion.
Illusion the processes that our brains use to believe in coincidences as real.
Real the opposite of unreal.
Unreal, fake, an illusion.
Illusion the processes that our brains use to believe in coincidences as real.
Real the opposite of unreal.
Unreal, fake, an illusion.
Illusion the processes that our brains use to believe in coincidences as real.
Real the opposite of unreal.
Unreal, fake, an illusion.
Illusion the processes that our brains use to believe in coincidences as real.
Real the opposite of unreal.
Unreal, fake, an illusion.
Illusion the processes that our brains use to believe in coincidences as real.
Real the opposite of unreal.

Mind blown. Metaphorically. Mental illusion. Delusion. Euphorically. Mental, conclusion.

Mental conclusion, an allusion to the reduction of the preclusion of a metaphorical illusion.

A hugely abstruse succession of solving interpretations. :O

For the revelations of the machinations behind life's causation.

Causations for all! Not just Caucasians.

And cauliflowers!

I call the flour! It doesn't answer. :C

What about making a PM?

I don't know, doesn't seem like he's active at all. Signed up back in 3/1/06, no activity...

Maybe it made another cooking related account?

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