Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

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the one of the Human mind

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The BIONICLE Autopsy

Posted by Doomroar - January 6th, 2015

With the expectations lowered, and all the cards on the table, there's no excuse to say anything as far as a fan and a consumer of this franchise goes, the question still remains how much of the old Bionicle this new has, and where it may go? only lego knows.

Well at least there's no more Hero Factory, sorry kids, but you are actually getting an upgrade even if is simpler than the original.


Umm legos needs to stay as cookie cutter building blocks in the real world, simple as that. Did you ever use lego robotics in your engineering courses

But then a part of my childhood wouldn't exist if they hadn't go beyond cookie cutter building blocks.

legos, never had the luxury, any who, thought id let you know im making a mascot

Well take good care of that mascot, Jessica.


He is too far gone the hook doesn't reach...

Hmmm I should draw a bionicle, practice my detailing and such, any suggestions?

I don't know man, i have a childhood attachment to this franchise and if possible i want it to remain pure even in fan art, and since you are saying you will become a hentai artist and all that... but, if it has to happen, draw Roodaka, i had a crush on her.

Now maybe you were not talking about hentai, in that case if it is not hentai draw The Kardas Dragon, if and only if, it is not hentai.

you and nietzlawes back and fourth is... complexing.

We have some time on this, and the stories mix each other some characters appear, but it is all part of a big story, well not always but eventually everything seems to merge, it doesn't even makes sense to us!
We even made a wiki about it, and it should one day leave its status as a work in progress, it is due for 5069 galactic time.

Can you see the 2 new pictures i posted?

Eventually, i am on a quite busy time, i will get to them and give them the replies they deserve, but not the ones they need, actually they wont even be the ones they deserve, they probably will be sloppy and choppy and droopy.

Thnx man, the reason I was asking is because I had 7 views but no comments. Plus the fact that I need my pimp to give me advice. Lol

Finally you are starting to reel in dem customers!
With some push here and there, and lots of goat based yogurt you will be able to upgrade into independent manwhore.


What's the lost castle crashers song about?

A basic question, yet the answer is as complex as wondering what really is reality.
-Or better said, i guess we only know that it exist, or does it?
-Well i guess you can hear the song, or are you just imagining it, can you really hear it, is it even a song?
-Man Which Castle Crashers Song is that supposed to be anyways!?

Oh, the "LOST" Castle Crashers song? the lost one was already found years ago by Random Kid, it was on his desk all along, indeed he found it just minutes after losing it, Real Faction http://realfaction.newgrounds.com/ hide it on purpose because people keep telling him that this song http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/120136 is still the best song he ever made, even after all his years of improvement, it was just a fit of rage, so after hiding it he put it back there, after finding the lost castle crashers song, Random Kid apologized to Real Faction and promised to recognize his artistic progress.

Now the WCCS, that's a whole different story, we don't even know which one is it, or is it even... a Castle Crashers Song to begin with!? damn... but it sure does sound similar, can you hear it, the dementia of this tune constantly, never-ending echoing in your cranium!? of course not, by now we all know that thing, is like white noise, like the fact that your eyes constantly look at your nose but your brain just removes the image amid its synaptic process.

Somethen funny happened. I looked at a picture by a guy called themightycelt, so I said that hey, we have erily similar names, and I rated the drawing 4 1/2 stars. Then I get a message that said my review was deleted.

Maybe he realized that one of you were a clone of the other.
After entering a panic he decided to eliminate the message, and act as if nothing happened, deluding himself out of thinking about the possibility, the possibility that maybe he is the clone.

In short he deleted your message, but really you 2 have the similar name, similar porn style, and are both perverts, finding someone that similar is ought to be creepy. Regardless what he did is definitively rude.

Hey man, just started watching Parasyte the Maxis, from ep.1 to 21 nonstop, and ef me man did i tear up. Had to stop cuz my *classified* fell asleep, and i don't think i can handle all those emotions alone. Humanity is crazy. Also do those parasites remind you of the uroboros, from resident evil 4, (the last good resident evil)?

They based are on John Carpenter's "The Thing", great movie, the plot is almost the same, aliens come to earth and start merging with the local organism, and these new mutants gain metamorphic abilities, but in turn are controlled by the alien parasite, watch it, WATCH IT NOW YOU UNEDUCATED HERETIC BURN BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!

Uhum, sorry about that, yeah watch that movie, the original, not the remakes. Also the manga of Parasyte is waaaaaaaay better than the lousy anime adaptation, so give it a read to make your life whole.

I'd love to give the mang a read, but i don't where to get it. Also i heard the thing was a good movie, and yes, i am an uneducated fuck

Well you can buy it here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/85740/parasyte-1-by-hitoshi-iwaaki/

Or if you are short on money, and since this is a cultural crisis you could download it here:

Or read it online here: http://mangatraders.org/manga/?series=Kiseijuu

Yes technically this is piracy, even if these versions are fan-translations, also known as scanlations, and yes just because you will buy the volumes anyway doesn't absolves you (or me) from our shameful piracy crimes, but hey! is that or not reading it, and i guess it all falls down on how serious we take this, i personally don't care, READ IT! REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDD IT!.

Don't Know if you can download a comic with a ps4, so last choice i guess, which is sad that i can't support authors directly, i need to save up for a computer, i would start a patron but the current line up of drawings i have isn't really a deal breaker.

And i personally don't know that many people that are into prolapses, but hell just seeing what's popular on the art portal i can tell that there's quite a market for that.

I really need to finish that pc, deos flash do pixel animations?


Perfect, i can make a sidescrolling cartoon, with corvus.

You can make a videogame if you invest enough time on it.

Hey, if i had happen to find another fictional charectar online, named Corvus who also wore a plauge doctor mask, what woud be my best action?

If the character is older (was created first), and morally more descent (is not an excuse to just make porn, meaning as a character it is developed beyond being a sex-pet).

If you answer yes to at least 1 of those, then admit defeat man, at best i guess you could take home that maybe your Corvus is sexier, and better drawn? but what if the answer to that is also no? then you are out of luck.

Because, lets say, for argument sake, that you are talking about Corvus from dragon quest, that character is protected under copyright laws, and the name may not be Vegeta or Goku, but you are losing this one, now Corvus is not a plague doctor, but just by name all the other Courvuses of the world have lost their ground.

Now back to the case, there's nothing you can do, unless you can prove that they are plagiarizing your character, and i don't know if NG's agreements give you that kind of benefits, i guess they do, but i don't really see here bigger thing, than 2 people coming with the same idea.

Sooooooo, am I gonna have to make a new mascot?

No really, you are not obliged, in due time the one that becomes more popular will become the recognized one by the general audience.

For example when people talk about Ash, do you think of Ash Williams from the Evil Dead, or Ash Ketchum from Pokemon? is the same think, except that their designs are worlds apart they just share name.

WEALOGIUH... What if i change Corvus's name, to the second word for crow in Latin?

Yeah i guess you can do that, but still someone else can come with the same idea easily, so it is a matter of how well known and recognized you can make your character, or better said, how likeable you can make her to be.

In response, to your response, i should add more to her charect then sex, and the mass genocide of endangered monsters. I don't really wsnt to have her in some grand epic tell, or theais on humanity, she is just a mascot, but she does need more personality, art's hard.

Well not really what i meant, what i wanted to tell you is that for the character to retain its recognition as something worth defending its name, it needs to grow into the audience, for example Zone-tan is just a mascot, from a flash porn web, and yet people recognize her and like her, yet other than being a news reporter (for her own page) she is just a lustful hoe.

So in resume it is ok for you to keep the name Corvus, the only thing you have to do is develop the character, draw her more, give her a life, it can be literally just her getting fucked night and day, as long as people get to like her for that, then it is "ok" (more on this below), she doesn't has to go and become some kind of extinction event killing weird animals, which makes no sense since she is just a porn mascot, it will make you think, at least to me, that such failures of organism didn't deserve to live from the start, and that the action presented is just filler content.

Anyway this can bring us an interesting topic, and is the following question: how much of a character can an object of lust really be? and the answer is barely any, because for one it is not really a character, is just a fetishisation, and secondly if that character gains more dimensions then it wont be able to become a great character anyways because its base is that of a mere object.

So no matter how great the character the moment it becomes an object of desire, sexual desire in this case (sorry to be redundant, but well) it becomes an object and for a moment as the passions take control it stops being a character.

To make Corvus into something worth of retaining her name and design over all the other Corvus-es, you will need her to become a character that's able to transition from object to character with ease, if you don't accomplish this then it doesn't really matters what name you give her, in the end she will be just an unknown porn drawing, so rather than give her side quest, first give her a personality, defining traits, that kind of stuff.

Thinks for the advice, i keep telling you that allot, Zone-Tan seems like a prime example of a mascot, but people actually want to here what Zone is upto, so he can use Zone-tan as a news reporter, which is what i want for Corvus, to tell people what i'm upto, and to star in pinups, and short comics, so, yeah everything you told me i should do, i guess ho's SHOULD listen to their pimps. Lol... Good god what has my life come to.

A better question is, were is it going?
Well for now if you want to make Corvus into an outlet that will link your fans with your future projects, the first you will need to make future projects, create things for Corvus to inform people about, once you get that the fans will come in, people like form:

Indeed to stay away from porn is actually hard, even more now with the internet our parents had to use magazines can you believe that shit? XD.

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