Good times indeed!
Good times indeed!
Good for him that humans are delicious, thus is ok to eat humans... because yeah.. you know they are tasty as hell and all that good jazz...
and I've heard humans taste like pork so he shouldn't have been able to tell the difference anyways! ahhaa
The ambiance on this one i just can't stop looking at i!
Made my day thanks!
I still can't believe that you do these on ms-paint!
Maybe I can upload some speed paints to convince you!
Well... my army is mostly composed of lunar mantis-dogs... i don't really like to hire humanoids for my world domination schemes... but this robo-alternative seems promising! and it has that deceitful face we all love to show to the kids.
He does have a lovely face :D
and Moon men are actually part reptile, part bird, and all moon!
So does it vomits skulls fillet with chocolate?
Because if it does...
i wouldn't mind one of these happy faced stalkers stalking me while taking a dump...
Unfortunately, it doesn't vomit chocolate filled skulls, only the bones of your enemies, even if they're still alive!
missing Gatomon... haha.
i'll get to her with th season 2 bunch.
I am as lost as everyone else here, but i like the violence so i'm fine with this!
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08