Oh man such horryble news, so it happened, can't we kidnap you and force you to make toons? can't we get the mafia involved with this? the world needs to see your stuff.
The ending was unexpected, great work as always, i am gonna miss these.
Oh man such horryble news, so it happened, can't we kidnap you and force you to make toons? can't we get the mafia involved with this? the world needs to see your stuff.
The ending was unexpected, great work as always, i am gonna miss these.
No Doomroar, I got 'nuff problems in my life, the mafia would only make it worse. Kidnapping doesn't sound so bad if you feed me and get me high once in a while. I'll be missing your comments man. BUT I don't want this to be THE END. It's not much of a choice to be honest, I'm just in a point in life where I'm kind of trapped, and gotta see where my ends meet which means doing what I dont want to do. As soon as I fix my life, I'll be back probably, I know animation is inside of me and I can't let it go that easy. Thanks for all the support you've given me from the start bruv. You've been there since the beginning.
Pot day mofakas!
No matter how you put it this should not be rated E for everyone XD.
Haha he is clearly not a Jew.
Spider-walrus for the win!!
Wait really pickle dicks? i hope they taste like pickles and not like...
not like dix??????? :O
Haha, best one in a while!
If you change the quality from 720p to 360p it loads.
Oh he died last year? didn't even noticed no wonder i still have my balls.
He should have gone for free internet, google fiber at least.
Yeah my parents marriage was also a joke, that divorce was expected.
Thats life !
Is all on 12B, that is a well known axiom of this world XD.
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08