This is when Magolor sweeps in and convinces the Kirbies of a way to avoid being consumed by their evil mom, for the cheap cheap price of a bunch of a thousand gem apples, per Kirby
This is when Magolor sweeps in and convinces the Kirbies of a way to avoid being consumed by their evil mom, for the cheap cheap price of a bunch of a thousand gem apples, per Kirby
Fool proof plan!
She is hot i agree but, that's a bold claim when we also have to consider:
Venusmon, Sakuyamon Miko Mode, Ceresmon Medium, Lilithmon, Mervamon, Rosemon, Junomon, AncientMermaimon, Bastemon, Ofanimon, Witchmon, Jet Silphymon, Sanzomon, BeelStarmon (even if she is just rule 63 Belzebumon), Kinkakumon, Queen Chessmon, Cho·Hakkaimon, Dianamon, Lilamon, Rafflesimon, Calmaramon, Mermaimon, Ancient Irismon, Archnemon (human form or otherwise), Bio Lotusmon, Rasielmon, Mastemon, Lady Devimon X antibody, Angewomon, Lovely Angemon, Sistermon Noir (Awake), Sistermon Ciel (Awake), Shutumon, Darcmon, and Ordinemon which is just a giant naked woman with wings
And... depending of the TCG weirdly enough.... also Harpymon, Crescemon and Nefertimon which will have Humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous
However personally i think it is the day Garudamon gets lewded on the card games that we will see the final frontier of hot digigirls
Loli digimon ignored because Kazemon IS hotter than them
Well they will cross that bridge when they have to, her parents seems nice, so it will be ok
You are only a real fan if you can simp for all her digivolutions, and yes that includes Calmaramon, not just Ancient Mermaimon
What do you mean "AAAAAAAH" the long loooong tongue is part of the charm!
You have heard of biting more than you can chew, now we have swallowing more than you can stomach
Keep sweating Ana and one day maybe you too will get some simps of your on
But until then keep up the Lilith cosplay attempts, maybe it works out and you fool some new Lilith simps into simping for you
But but... her hair is short and she is not hyper hairy tho!
Ok which one of you perverts was the one doing all that raspy breathing inside the dark room!?
Now, now, its ok, i am not judging, you can come clean, but I know it wasn't me, because i was trying real hard to keep real quiet... even if, i admit, i was the one that farted when Ana locked the door, that took me by surprise too
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08