Mmmm ok I don't really get this one, i love the huge breast, the weight they express and the way she holds them, to be fair while on the dolls illustration i was able to focus on the other aspects on the drawing, in here i am glued to her chest.
But why the ski mask and why the "fighting machine"?
She seems to be outside, so maybe she is an underground fighter? or an exhibitionist? One that wants to keep some level of reservation, modesty, or anonymity (hence the nipple covers and mask) but who fights with her desires exposed against a world that subdues her (with the cage being represented by the chain link fence).
Alternatively i was thinking maybe it is "war machine" instead of "fighting machine", but war evokes more of an bureaucratic or establishment feeling, the power of the state to wage war against another bigger opponent, if she had a military uniform it would make more sense, but the ski mask is more iconic of the informal and furtive, it makes you think about rebellions or even about the clandestine.
In any case love the drawing.