- Quick climb the tree to escape!
- Wait it fucking flies!
- Quick climb the tree to escape!
- Wait it fucking flies!
you bet! so terrifying!
Did Cell fuck and impregnated the wife of his creator? That's some next lvl NTR. Dr Gero out there taking more Ls than Yamcha.
Also reminder that Cell killed Cyborg 16, the very thing made explicitly to bring back Android 21's son, Gebo, so she is fucking the man that killed the one Cyborg she worked in personally, and who was made specifically out of grief in an attempt to bring back her son. That's some next level Stockholm syndrome.
There's so much wrong wit this ship that I don't even know where to start, the more I think about it the more nasty implications I find.
In a way he is even fucking his own mother too, so add first degree incest to it, this shit just keeps getting worse.
Anyway as for the picture itself regardless of thematic, it is a great drawing, it has an excellent use of light and shadowing, as well as color composition.
But I can't detach myself from the fetishes depicted here, so i have to take down some stars, however I think that would be unfair for the drawing itself.
But let it be known, this couple is a 0 out of 5, the level of wrongness here is over 9000.
First off: I'm genuinely grateful that you understand that (A.) this picture is a COMMISSION--as in I was paid to draw it (hey I gotta afford FOOD somehow) and, (B.) that you've critiqued the art in a very kind way despite the subject matter bothering you. Not many folks know how to do that and I appreciate it.
However I do think the 'incest' thing is a bit of a stretch here. Feels more like an opinion over fact but, myb that's just me. It wasn't like 21 and Cell were ever raised together (like adopted siblings) nor even knew of each other save for their meeting in fighterz (a non-canon game). Heck, Cell doesn't even have 21's cells in him (as far as I know??) so are they even biologically ''siblings''? Technically if someone ships cell with goku would THAT be incest?? Since they DO actually share DNA???
Androids 17 and 18 were siblings before meeting Gero so for sure shipping them I DO consider incest. However if someone shipped 17 or 18 with 16, would THAT also be incest? Simply because Gero 'made' them? Gero also based 21 on his wife-- Is that EXTRA incest since by being her 'creator/father,' she's his daughter too?? I apologize if these questions are coming across as aggressive as that is NOT my intention. Just wanted to know what the 'standards' are here.
Oh yeah wait? Does 21 even know she was based on gero's wife? I feel like maybe 16 knew but did she? I can't remember if that was stated in the game. If it was, I don't really see how that'd be weird for her to be with Cell? The stockholm syndrome thing kind of confuses me as Cell hasn't kidnapped 21? He hasn't emotionally manipulated her? Made her empathize with him under duress?? In what way is this literal 'stockholm syndrome'????'
I for sure get why it'd be weird for 21 to be into cell romantically, after he killed 16 (someone she cared for) but I don't think you're using stockholm syndrome here correctly. Unless my definition of it is incomplete. Plus, neither you nor I know how the customer of this image ships cell/21-----please take your complaints with THEM, as again, I'm just the artist.
Additionally, let us both not forget that 21 is the ANTAGONIST in dragonball fighterz. She is CONFIRMED to be muuuuch more physically powerful than Cell, even in her 'good' form. Hell, goten and trunks UNfused could probably kick cell's butt. So I don't see how Cell is the one who'd be able to overpower her in ANY way should he ever be in a relationship with 21. Cell, as much as I enjoy his character, is WEAK at this point in DB 'canon' Lore. If we're talking about EMOTIONAL abuse, this is also ONLY an assumption as neither you nor I know how this relationship would go in '''canon'''. We're BOTH guessing but, my issue with your statements are that you imply them to be facts.
You don't even know if in this VERY picture I drew has 'good' 21 or 'evil' 21. Evil21 might be quite the match intellectually and menacingly for Cell. Would that make a difference?
Lastly, labelling a SFW image of my customer's headcanons as 'fetishes' seems a bit unfair. In no way is this a sexual picture or a kink (though I have drawn NSFW when commissioned).
Still, again, thank you for being able to judge the art by how I painted the image regardless of how you feel about the theme. I don't personally ship cell/21 but to ME it's not 'so wrong' that I would refuse it when commissioned. If I ever thought this was incest, then I wouldn't draw it, but again, that's my opinion.
I fucking love when portals are used like this, Janemba is one of my favorite DBZ villains for this reason.
This may be my favorite character concept you have done this far, the fact that he freed himself from a hive mind also adds a lot of flavor to it, hiveminds and mega colonies are another concept that I love, and to have them in space? at a galactic level? hell yes!
The only thing I would like even more is if he were more insectoid and less humanoid, man that would have killed me, maybe give him wings and retractable tibias for slashing damage, and extra legs to walk on walls and ceilings.
Not like he needs wings and more legs since he can use portals tho! i guess they would be just for looks and flavor.
Anyway i love this design it has a bunch of elements that i love, and you put them all together you damn genius.
hey thanks a bunch!
those are really cool ideas. having a limp extract right from his forearm could be super cool as well as the wings. appreciate it!
I love this drawing why didn't it got frontpaged sooner???
Thank you. I genuinely am still confused by this, but I'm guessing someone suggested it on one of the Newgrounds Discords or something
Oh fuck! hahahahaha
The real question, is the coolant edible?
Its has a minty taste though.
Na, na, lets go down that road.
Yeah, that's a break up, lets hope the sex is good at least.
Somebody's getting fuck
I think if you play around with Luffy's powers, maybe have him in the middle of hitting culvering or king cobra, you can add a really good effect by having his attacking arm stretching everywhere but still being in the same position of being about to attack, rather than having him just posing, so his arms can be in the same place, as they are but by changing the point of origin it will look even better.
As for Katakuri you could add his floating donuts and extra arms in the back ground, that will also add more intensity to the image and show how incredible the battle was, which would among other things show off their powers effectively portraying that it was not just a brawler match but truthfully a face off between ability user.
Those 2 things can add to the dynamism of the image, without you having to modify their poses or most of the drawing since they would happen in the background, the biggest edit would be to Luffy's attacking arm since his fist would have his point of origin off frame instead of connecting at the elbow since he would be stretching like on the actual fight.
Anyway great image, i don't think the poses actually look stiff, they just look normal, which is only a problem because their fight was far from normal.
Oh man I really had something like that in mind, especially the floating donuts but I kinda didn't like the way I drew them and was a little too complex for me at the time so I decided to make it more basic. Nevertheless I really should've bumped up the action with some crazy devil fruit feats!
Thank you for your honest critic! I'll make sure to work on the action dynamic poses next time!
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
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Joined on 6/4/08