it is as good as always but why it is rated as mature instead of teen? or even E for everyone there is hardly anything explicit there it was all to our imagination.
it is as good as always but why it is rated as mature instead of teen? or even E for everyone there is hardly anything explicit there it was all to our imagination.
haha yeah someone always complains when I rate it too low and make it an E or a T and say "think of the children!" lol So from now on I just rate them M so people dont complain that I'm corrupting the youth...
is not that aliens kidnap you with an anti-gravitational ray, they hook you just normally
this was unusual enough for newgrounds to make it as 1st place why is it on at 5th?
Basically numbers. If people see what I'm talking about--preventing a type of trend in abduction concerning females--perhaps then, the higher vote. Progression, though.
but... that was just your average dog.
that fleash puppet hilarious!
so fooking damn good, pimps nowadays don't give such neat deals.
so fucking damn good.
a loader screen and this would be perfect
we are not replacing the forever alone meme with alfred forget about it.
this was short, but at least seems like it is going in a committed direction (at least story wise) as for what direction that one may be? back to the play house? please don't pull an eternal loop on us, that would be quite wasteful. if it has to end with him as a sex slave on the Philippines so be it, but don't pull a pokemon on us.
i wasnt trying to replace it, but alfred , like so many of us , which is why the meme became popularized, is forever alone. and so am i.
hey this is ilike 1234 tiems longer than all those 20 second pandering mario bullshitts we see here every day and no one ever complains about the lenght of them.
dont worry the next segment, to be released in the next 2 to 3 weeks, is going to be a healthy 6 minuytes of wonderful alfred movie.
alfred's been at the playhouse, he comes and goes, he always has. so he is in an eternal loop. however i promise the new look at the playhouse will be the most in depth and completely fresh yet.
Though i watched all the pokemon things a s ahcild, sadly, and gogt the stupid burgerking golden cards nd the mew card at the shitty emo movie where they all cry, my memory of childhood is quite foggy so i have no idea whut 'pulling a pokemon' is.
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08