so much cash in dem pokets
so much cash in dem pokets
man beggar can't be choosers, but robbers sure can...
Haha I guess so!
that human Caterpie so awesome!!!
Thanks! :)
so the best thing of 2013 was uploaded the very first day!!!!
this just show us how fucking hardcore this year is going to be.
man that experiment with rice can lead to a bunch of horrible moral implications, if we acknowledge that something like rice can react to sentimental stimulus, and have some short of awareness that it is being ignored... im going for now with the 2 extreme position that can develop from there, one incredible impractical when we try to justify consumption of what we are acknowledging as a being with similar to equal traits as that of human, this goes beyond animal rights and the short, at the same time we try to kept our selves from failing in the consumption mold, the other extreme is when we acknowledged everything depravity ensures as if we predate on whatever we eat why not do the same with other humans, sure is a thing we already do but is not backed or openly accepted this persons kept their reasons occult, you could say that then the benefices that comes with a good connivance with these beings will stop such things, but if we put in a balance of gain and loss, greed based people that seem the gaining of happiness (and this concept varies greatly from mind to mind) as their ultimate goal (and so far we can see most if not all of our actions go towards achieving this disregarding the person) to put all as an equals will give then the means to stomp and bypass as if we were mere rice, after all he could have eaten a bowl just that morning. and just look at this to be grateful and nice with it doesn't change the fact you are going to devour it anyways, lets put it like this if vegetation is conscious how do vegetarians manage to live with themselves,in a world when most beings have to kill to kept living, coexistence just got a little more complicated.
man i just cant accept your definition of consciousness if it happens that our material self is in fact just a pattern of a very simplistic geometric design that's fine, but to explain consciousness as part of it can't be more wrong since we haven't even come to solve at least one of the hard problems of consciousness, the easy ones are still obtusely solved and are strongly subject to change, and even more important than that the sole definition of consciousness is still after all this years still undeveloped, what is more to postulate it as part of a geometric design when we can't even assure it as a part of the realm inside the one of experience goes against the theory of dualism that is mentioned in this very video. but well all this can be explained better if you give me a short reply with a clearer idea of what you perceive as consciousness because i watched this video using my understandings of the concept and that can affect drastically my response if you convince me i will gladly give you some well deserved 5 stars, now this can be a bit difficult, as so far i don't particularly believe in the power the mind can have over material entities, other that those connected to our own body system.
Okay, i believe Source Consciousness is the infinite field of awareness of the Unified Field. Everything comes from a point of singularity, and energy is created all around this point. (Check out Nassim's Black Whole, which is a movie explaining Black holes and consciousness).
Everything in reality is just vibrating waves of light, and light is from which everything comes. Light is a solid that fractals into smaller bits of information until they stack together in such ways to build the building blocks of everything.
men that poor poor guy's holy passage we have to claim vengaCe for him and induce in more hatred MORE HATREEEEEEEEEEEED!!
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08