Man what a ship, it doesn't dies even when you kill it, break it a part, blast it and burn it.
Man what a ship, it doesn't dies even when you kill it, break it a part, blast it and burn it.
Very true!
Pikachu see that was your problem? you didn't took the opportunity to have random Ditto sex.
Or maybe... maybe he did, oh man i have to warn someone before it is too late.
Robotman the president the world deserves.
His dad just went with Diane because a manly name would contradict his son having an unusually small penis.
Weird they didn't solve their problems and disagreements by having hot sweaty sex with lots of moaning, must be a fake brothel.
Oh man this was so bad i actually thought i was watching a LoL cartoon, congratulations man.
Give Blackbeard his fruit back!
Good, but how come all her attacks are tentacle related (other than her sword and petals)?
They aren't tentacles haha. They are thorny vines. Roses have thorns, yes?
We have states for a reason, to keep the inner contents of that box we call brain locked inside.
Yo, man, if we can just take the gun out of our heads, man, there'll be, like, no reason for states n shit
* smokes a LSD joint *
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08