Stopping classes due to bad weater? that shit only can be enjoyed in school.
Stopping classes due to bad weater? that shit only can be enjoyed in school.
Man what a sad ending, great job everything fits perfect from the music to the style of animation, to the character designs.
What? he didn't used the power of friendship!!!!!!!!!!!!? now that was unexpected!
The range on that gun is awesome, and the damage! oh that damage!
Yep, the new shells that the gun merchant sold him are getting the job done :D
"Come inside Jade" OK? "We're waiting" well aren't you pushy? "To be continued" shit i missed my chances!
Good one as always, but i didn't found it as creepy as the others, i even got to make a joke out of misinterpreting the last words at then end of it.
it's really weird i personally think part 2 is stronger and creepier then part 1 but judging by peoples responses it's the other way around lol i guess you can never guess how people will respond to something. thanks for the review
Once Gatomon Digievolves things will be so awkward.
After reading the description everything makes sense! even politics!
Dind't pikachu got the shit pwned out of himself by a damn lvl 1 Snivy? why is that rat fronting now? XD.
BTW this was quite good, definitively better than the actual Naruto, actually that can be said of almost all things (except Bleach) since that manga just fails week after week, good thing it will finally end.
Anyway great animation.
Thanks! Yes can't wait for Naruto to end next month. They better end it well...
Weird... Godzilla sounds a lot ike MF Doom.
Well he was not really a hero, he was just a victim, and a reminder that there is some asshole evil wizard at large.
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08