
1,093 Movie Reviews

277 w/ Responses

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Man those tears from those bros were real.
Now we need:
Revenge of the Cow.
Revenge of the Pig.
Revenge of the Goat.
Revenge of the Duck.
Revenge of the Tuna.
Revenge of the... Man We Eat Pretty Much Everything Prepare for the Whole World's Revenge!

SoreReel responds:

Hahaha thanks! Maybe one day there will be a DVD

Is not that he never blinks, he is constantly blinking, it just happens exactly when we the audience blinks, his eyes on the other hand are on that dead ahead position for life!

Haha its kinda hard to feel sympathy for her after she killed the baby fetus and crawled out of that artificial womb.

The music was great it helped to develop the atmosphere of the whole thing perfectly.

ClockworkPixel responds:


I feel sorry for those who bet on the tank, if there was any XD.

It can't be friendship and it can't be money, it has to be a tool the kinds that grants you the hate and fear of the world government.
But yeah i bet friendship and gold are involved on that island.

Screwits responds:

trust me, I know its a weapon. probably one that can combine all for seas in One Piece. the All blue, if you will. but hey the possibilities are endless

What? this had a happy ending? well go figure.

I love it!

And if i was that kid i would have told that cat that i want no business at all with her damn wall! it is pretty damn clear that they rape the shit out of you behind that wall.

Dude you can fly! you can fucking float in the air! the hell are you doing going back to earth!?

To think that all this was done in just one year, it looks great, and the music was also awesome!

The Newgrownds girl was too mature for that, or way too busy making drawings and animations, definitively the second option.

Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 31, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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11m 29d