Jordan, oh this is so corny, why, why!? and it has anime which makes it even more corny damn, haha. Ok jokes aside, you don't need to respond with love or kindness, you only need to be critic, objective, and of course polite.
What i would change on this video, is the corniness of it, and the parodying aspect, which of course is not really your fault (it really is after all is your video), but mostly the guy which prompted this video, with its own immaturity.
While i am at it, is the critic par of this video ( and every if not most of your videos really), and is that you affirm me something, and explain it, but it falls short, without major connection, for example the part when our brains, which tough process works by waves, and we were good when, as always you rushed it, how is that you know or are so sure about the capacity of our though to travel and more important than that being everywhere? not only that we have made mind-machine interfaces and mind to mind interfaces, but none of those are based over the system that you just barely described, so again you said hardly anything, if not nothing, indeed, you just told us that there is something which is outside of our current scientific means to see, thus helping yourself out of any further explanation, because you already said it (in an implicit way) that you don't have the means other than faith to show is evidence of these things, and i am not even asking for a hard proof, just a possibility would be fine, in the end all we really have access to with our perceptions is to probabilities, but you don't even give us that.
In the end this is just a video of you responding to an immature critic, and other bashers. But you really don't explain much, yeah you tried, to tell us about this wave of though which connects us all, but you really don't explain us how it works, you tell us how a wave works, and how or brain is supposed to work, but you digressed it, excellent science is always changing it can perfectly be wrong, and that is the idea that it accounts for mistakes, when we stopped talking about absolutes and universals we started making real progress (ironically your system is an universal one that even dares to go beyond), so in a land of probabilities anything can happen, but the novelty of the thing which is the digression, your point of view, your model, your vision, that was poorly explained,more over if it wasn't for my previous knowledge on waves and how the work works, i will lump that explanation as insufficient, luckily you put some external sources, so it all depends on how good those are.
This is probably your worst video so far, in relation of length versus content. i will say it now i only give you 5 stars for aesthetic merit, and because i appreciate how you managed the issue, in a polite and honest matter, but as i said you could have been more serious, more objective, and that would have allowed for me to have less complaining while making this review.