He looks so menacingly serious, and ready to deliver some carnage, that i don't even feel like mentioning his crotch-head anymore XD.
Awesome work man, the woods just got more dangerous.
He looks so menacingly serious, and ready to deliver some carnage, that i don't even feel like mentioning his crotch-head anymore XD.
Awesome work man, the woods just got more dangerous.
Thank you, better watch out when you're in the woods, I was going for a Dark Souls 2 feel for this guy. Forest of fallen giants.
I'm not really onto BDSM...
But BDSM is into you.........
Also thanks for checking out my comic every week.
Now i miss old Venomancer.
Thank you :)
Great, but it could do with some cropping, that way well... you get rid of all those things that are not part of the image.
Also this one indeed needs some cleaning from those pencil traces, and finger prints or dust, that can be easily solved if you change the levels of grays in the image.
You can do that with a free program like Gimp if acquiring Photoshop becomes too troublesome, i also think that NG on the Wiki page has some program recommendations that you can download and use for free: http://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/creator-resources/art-resources
They even have links to tutorials, but my lazy self hasn't read them so i don't know how good they can be, however the forum can give some great guidance on a wide variety of topics.
Thanks for yer advice, maybe it's really necessary for me to try to use it
It looks even better colored, it has a Lich kind of feel to it, i still think i can out run it, or at least have a good laugh as i get killed in the process XD.
Well, he looks pretty cold, maybe he doesn't need to run fast as he can freeze you and have fun with you. And when that happens, you will wish you were dead for ten years, lol
I like the sketchy look of it, maybe you could instead of cleaning it add some vintage after effects, like Chinese scrolls type of paper, so it would look like some ancient paper that was just discovered.
Thanks, and i think it would be a good idea for me to make it better, but i need to learn to use something like photoshop first..: )
Greatest comic strip to have ever been put on any newspaper!
Yes indeed. This strip is a source of inspiration for many others after.
Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....
Age 32, Male
University Student
the one of the Human mind
Maybe facing a screen.
Joined on 6/4/08