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Damn man all those details are awesome! from the severed dragon head to the face of the giant, passing by the staff made out of a tree and a villager, haha and he is steeping on another unfortunate human, that King Azreth had no idea of what was going to come.

HongKongBong responds:

Great review as always, you always spot my little details! Thanks man.

Tricky question, it is the same girl with different outfits! so all of them.

FASSLAYER responds:

they are differnet girls XD.

Modafoka Gordon Freeman riding a modafoking Bear!

Rhunyc responds:

You betcha!

It reminds me of Digimon, when the Digital World starts to invade the human world.

BushidoArts responds:

It's quite sad to say that even though I've been watching Digimon for the entirety of my childhood, I can't remember much about it :/

But if it does, then hey! Perhaps these ideas all stay in the head somewhere.

There's that certain charm that floating bodies of earth have that just keeps your eyes stuck in them looking, great job.

BushidoArts responds:

Thanks! Always is a useful thing, but it's quite generic as well. I try my best to improve my illustrations the next time I get a hold of my mouse and laptop.

Now i see!
That is a hand!
Her hand with the black glove graving the soldiers rifle! to be more exact.

Man what a cryptic last panel, but it is easily solvable if you zoom out the image and let's us see the rest of her arm, and actually use some contrast to make the hand more defined, since as it is now it looks like the shadow of a person doing yoga.

Well nothing more to say here, everything else looks good, minus 2 starts because i can't stand that last panel, but good work overall.

Kel-chan responds:

theres an adittional 4 pages but I can fix that panel and give it more definition

Hard shading seems to work well in this style, but clusters of lines also looks nice, you will come with something.

ParcivalGodrigson responds:

Combining the two would seem best, have the line shading for soft shades where detail is still, more or less present and hard shading for the parts covered in darkness. Hmmm, I'll use that with the new style, working on something with more action this time and... horizontal as opposed to my vertical illustrations!

Yeah after too many boobs hands do get tired of boobs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mataknight responds:


It's like, for a little while, you just don't want to deal with them.
You don't even wanna look at em for the rest of the day. Although
I have the same feeling with hair movements since hair is a bitch
to animate. '_'

Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 31, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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