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So they said, that will never happen! and if it does, sea turtles will fly!
Well lo and behold a flying sea turtle! and a lava worm, and a killer yeti, a psycho pacman, and a giant sky penguin.

That a long with the aliens and the robotic proliferation, was proof enough that the impossible happened... Robo business was booming!

JJCripps1996 responds:

Correction! Robot controlled MOUSE Business was booming!
Because as we all know, most businesses are run by mice.

I agree the internet has too much cats, an owl is definitively an upgrade, good work man!

PAL1234567891 responds:

Thank you. :) At least it looks similar, but cooler. :D

You should do more of this type, because it looks awesome!

polhudo responds:

Thank you! :)

1/4th of the population is a dog, well is time to pay a visit to this Diver-Street-Island.

JJCripps1996 responds:

Diver Street Island has quite a large dog problem, as in, they have their own continent on the island, known as ''Bagel lands'' where there is literally nothing but dogs everywhere, walking around, sniffing each others butts and pooping everywhere, it's a bit of a mess.

Looks great i specially like the book and the eye lantern which remind me of Sauron!
And the face has lots of detail too! but out of it all i definitely like the book more, wonder what it says?

HongKongBong responds:

Thank you very much! The book doesn't say anything, I just scribbled a lot of words and drawings in there. But I don't think he's using the white side of magic! I'll upload a close-up of the book later!

Alice madness returns?

P-cate responds:

original work, but i love that game!

And it is out! they did a great work giving us indeed a bird that cooks itself, and not... well you know a chibi whatever.

MarikBentusi responds:

Yeah, I was very, very happy when Phoenix turned out to be one hell of a majestic firebird/shrieking cosmic horror instead of Puck 2.0. Apparently someone found the old model the uncovered textures were belonging to and good grief, it really did look like another Puck.

He's really fun to play, too, and nails the "feeling" of a Phoenix with a lot of different mechanics, so as a big sucker for Phoenixes in general I couldn't be happier with what we got!

Damn... when i saw it the name that came to mind was Frankchucky, now i see that Chuckenstien is way, waaaaaaaaaaay a better a name!

deathink responds:

Aw man, now I want to call him Frankenchucky .

Looks great somehow i imagined the rats to look more feral, but it still looks great.

LamoureuxArt responds:

Thanks man!

Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 31, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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11m 29d