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Stop looking down on me while looking all cool and shit on that infinite loop!!!!

spacefader responds:

They think they're better than us!!!

So fucking damn awesome!

Metal-kiwi responds:


I know that this one must look even better IRL, but goddammit is this one photo blurry as hell? like for real man what is with that camera? haha.

WVSSAZ responds:

Not sure if it is the camera, or maybe Me not sure really ....

It transmit that comfy sense of cold snow in a quite nice way, however i wish that this image was in a higher resolution, to see the details and strokes in a more detailed way, however not all paintings are to be seen up close, so maybe it is better this way, nevertheless i am still intrigued to see a detail of this painting, good job man.

WVSSAZ responds:

Thank you, I wish I had a better way to present these. I have a digital camera but I must confess I am not a wiz at photography. I do use the camera often, when ghost hunting with my wife, but I have yet to find a good way or lighting to present my work. Oh well, keep trying I guess!

I have thought of having them scanned, however, that is rather costly for me right now

Dammit Escher cameos always got me, i had to add this to favourites.

Neilss1234 responds:

Thanks dude ;P

Na lets just remain the same, like the bastards that we are!

JJCripps1996 responds:

Yeah! Sounds easier than just changing everything!

Man this is indeed quite awesome, i confess i was not expecting to find something like this in your gallery, the anime girls didn't really help as a clue to pint pont towards drawings like these.

Doc4000 responds:

Thanks for the kind words, God bless!

Eh? who would say this is surprisingly sexy.

YULFO83 responds:

It was hard to draw it with my boner in the way and all.

I guess one of the 376 jokes is that the pirate girl is selling booty and she doesn't means treasures chest by that?

coruptedGames responds:

No way! that would be way too inappropriate for our game.. ;) hehe

Successful experiment if i had to say it myself.

deathink responds:

Thanks man, I am glad you think it was a success.

Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 31, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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