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Hang it somewhere it looks cool.

linda-mota responds:

i might just sell it since it's pretty small...

That plane is doomed i tell you.

wartynewt responds:

:D It's fucked!

That must be one of the most baddass tamed sharks ever.

Comick responds:

Ah thanks man! Yeah Im not sure how "tame" this shark really is haha. He might just be a nut!

Evolution it works wonders, except in pokemon XD.

Metal-kiwi responds:

No, this is still evolution working wonders! Evolution is essentially adapt or die, so this is natural selection at work, kiling off the poor heavy Omastar, based on what happened to our real-world ammonites. It's probable some lighter, freer Omastar eventually evolved into the Gastrodon genus.

The painting looks great and the description is really interesting.

aethermage responds:

Thank you! Your feedback is much appreciated. :)

Hell yeah! you are alive and still have the touch! incredible this must be one of the best things today, i wonder if there is a story behind this one? regardless it still looks cool, the floor, the wings that are really arms grabbing onto severed wings XD.

madiso responds:

Clad that you like it. There isn`t a grand idea behind it, more like fragments of ideas and to try to make them math somehow. I`m really bad at figuring out what to draw so i doodle vividly first and just start to make things clearer at the end.

So twitch plays pokemon can actually inspire things like these? hahaha.

Metal-kiwi responds:

That's half the fun, creating massive hyperbole around it and making something mildly interesting incredibly entertaining.

They all look the same indeed.

Aetolon responds:

Individualism is just a social construct.

His mind is as weird as his face and equally baddass.

RAMB0J3SUS responds:

You're badass.

Hey this is quite awesome, it was worth the search good work man!

elmikeesmuchogrande responds:

thak you n.n

Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 31, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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11m 29d