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The tail now comes out of her hand, that's some change.

MST3KMAN responds:

If you look between the forearm and stomach you'll see what looks like a bridge of the same color. That would be her tail too. Come on it's not that hard to figure out.

Indeed it looks cool as it gets, man that must have been some awesome dream, good stuff, good stuff indeed.

Fantishow responds:

That dream was fucking metal.

Haha, he looks so baddass even as he falls apart to pieces, which means that in proper condition he most have been quite popular with the roboladies.

Fantishow responds:

He would've been if he didn't kill them all.

Did you made this one in a canvas or paper? anyway it looks goof, however it distorts and loses detail if you see it on its native resolution, probably because the details and line are more thick.

WVSSAZ responds:

I did this on a Canvas board, Because I work in Acrylic this works best for me.

Not what i would call beautiful per-say, but the monument is definitively cool, baddass, and awe inducing, overall nice.

Soliloquous responds:

5 stars! Thank you very much. I was quite convinced that my work was impossible to find. I guess I was mistaken.

A crossbreed between a bat and a bird, haha it looks unusually great, and it makes you wonder how is that such a chimera came to life.

ClassSprite responds:

Yeah, the point was that it's an inherent extreme misfit; in every situation it was in, part of it would belong somewhere else.

This one is particularly charming, hell your whole gallery is great, we need to see more of this in the art portal.

WVSSAZ responds:

thank you :)

Yo man, nice scenery i normally don't like landscapes, but this one is quite good, i hope you upload more of these, good job.

WVSSAZ responds:

Thank you I will be adding more as I finish them

Looks great i hope to see more from you.

ClassSprite responds:

Thank you, you will.

Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 31, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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11m 29d