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I love it!
But i don't think it counts as abstract if you can clearly see and define the elephant.

dylan responds:

that's not how abstract works

Damn that's one hell of a doormat!

caskoner101 responds:


I agree with Taco, it could have more defining lines to make the features of the demon to be more notorious to the eye, however the design is great hard to believe that this was all done in just one hour, did you have this guys already in mind before you started drawing him?

Also are there any chances of you revisiting this one in a future?

Xephio responds:

I actually did have this picture in my head as soon as i read the tags, the hardest part of speedpainting or painting in general is to visualize that picture as good as possible without losing the spark. In this case it went smoothly and I managed to get the shapes, colours, effects and atmosphere just sort of like I wanted. And yes, there's alot to work and improve on! maybe i will revisit this

You know, you wont imagine that the guy is a demon of rape until you hear his name XD.

ahmonza responds:

why do you think he has those arms... I also gave him the face of a pedifile. beware this one demon you don't want to lose a fight to. hmm... how would you imagine a demon of rape to look like anyway do tell?

Second greatest character in all of One Piece, of course because 1st place goes to Captain Buggy!

Mullemuh responds:

Shichibukai Buggy will be the true Pirate king^^

Love it!

Mullemuh responds:


Interesting are her nipples that long or is she connected to a milking machine?

RobStanley responds:

You know, I never really thought of that. Perhaps a milking machine :)

I can definitively see her mouth, i can also see that she has a bit of a pompadour going on there, i can dig it, Space Dandy is putting it back on the map, so it is cool.

However what is the deal with that big black bar on the right side? it is a column or a wall or... what is that? it is so distracting and completely unnecessary, why is the character not in the center? i actually refreshed the page twice because i thought that it was not loading well.

Kel-chan responds:

It's a scene from the opening - the black bar will have white text on it- and the character will be inked like a manga drawing. I might also put a graphic where the red is but i dunno

Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 31, Male

University Student

the one of the Human mind

Maybe facing a screen.

Joined on 6/4/08

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