Well clearly i don't appreciate my time enough, with me being here, writing this, but the same goes for you reading this waste of time, aren't we quite the unoccupied fellows? Procrastination sure is something....

Age 32, Male

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the one of the Human mind

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Doomroar's News

Posted by Doomroar - March 16th, 2014

Update: it seems that Aaron McGruder will not be involved on this seasson of The Boondocks, so if it ends sucking dont say that i din't warn you!


So now you know start making space on your schedule! BTW yes that is Killer Mike narrating.

Also here is the song that plays for those interested:


Posted by Doomroar - January 17th, 2014

Go and watch it, amaze and bewitch yourself with the awesomeness of The Empire of Sock: Episode 3.

And before that go and immerse yourself on the prequels:

Check the official playlist here:




Go and enoy with the most awesome Hamster to ever exist.

And here you can listen to the Sondtrack of the latest video made by the great Hamster Alliance:


https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/837649/music/2011/THA-everythingschillinsilenthill.mp3 http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/837649/music/2011/THA-rupture.mp3 http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/837649/music/2014/THA-exitiumaeternus_eos.mp3 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/837649/music/cascade/THA%20-%20Ablation%20Cascade.mp3

Here you can find even more greatness, being a fan of BarfQuestion pays just too damn well:


Posted by Doomroar - October 30th, 2013

Welcome! welcome! to the third installment of "Unfulfilled promises, and disappointments galore!" this time even longer than ever before!

*Public roars in excitement*
Random Weirdo: "Oh lord! yes, YES! is another of those empty posts filled with excuses, oh yes bring it, it fuels my inherent masochism! oh yes drop that post all over my face, aaaah!"
Other Weirdo in the Public: "OOOooooOOooOOOoo, the disappointment it fills me with feels, OOuuuOuUO, ah ah, i will cu..."
Lost Generic Random Girl: "Wat is dis? i dun even... i dun get it." *runs away crying*
Guy passing-by: "Meh."

Ok, now silence you all... i say silence. i say... HEY! SHUT IT!
Uhum *Clears throat* Like is customary, today Another master will be accompanying this post.

This turn is for The Great Hieronymus Bosch, as always here is a link to his Virtual Gallery:

I forgot to put one to the gallery of Mr Barlowe on my first disappointment post, so here it is:

Back to Master Bosch, the image here in particular is a Detail of Paradise, yes in Master Bosch's mind even heaven is crazy fuck, so just imagine the rest, now you know why i love this guy. Bosch was regarded merely as "inventor of monsters and chimeras", his paintings are regarded as "often less pleasant than gruesome to look at", but he is just awesome, even the holy things he draws are badass, probably the only classic artist, along Pieter Bruegel the Elder who can cause me the feeling known as Awe, of course i like Master Bosh more.

So you can see, people didn't held him that high, however, even those tasteless persons had to recognize his greatness, and for me, all those "bad" qualities in his works, are actually what makes him great, 500 years later, he is still unbeatable, if he was alive, chances are that a bunch of artist would die of starvation.

For my next disappointment post, i plan for the great M.C. Escher to join us, and after that (how you dare to already plan another one after the next one!?) Francis Bacon to get some variety.

Ok that is all for now i leave you with a WIP of my current painting, you can see it here, at the Dumping Grounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/5c81f779291b267aec22f3b5addec371

As you can see, so far it's just practically the background, is incredible incomplete, is missing more tones, creatures, detail, and is just plain devoid of that crazy feel i love. So yeah, come and grab your disappointment! except the 2 weirdos in the public you will not use my work as a form to satisfy yourselves... as for excuses, noisy neighbors, lack of time, and raining, the last one impeding me of taking a proper picture with good light.

3rd Weirdo: "UUUUh those excuses, YES! more, give me more, I DEMAND MOAR!!!"

Goddammit stop it you all!

Cliche titles they just don't stop!

Posted by Doomroar - September 23rd, 2013

So as you can see this guy here hates his past in soul coughing and every time he gets to talk about the band he just trash them, talks about depression and how it was his most painful years as a musician, so you can see that video is not a parody he really hates his past, but that immature bastard just wouldn't let go, he is full of bitterness and grudge, a really despicable man, with delusion of greatness, that insist in gorging up all the credit for something he has time and time again admitted he detest! i'm going to be sincere here if that is how the songs are supposed to be i would have never paid any attention to Soul Coughing to begin with, just like his solo work is just an inferior demonstration of a man that just can't separate his past, is just like, if the band breaking up wasn't enough, he has to do these lousy remixes and talk smack in interviews, don't let him entangle you all in his front, here are some videos showing his true colors:

And there is his goddamn precious vision, judge by yourselves...

If this is his drug free self, then i pretty much prefer him drowning in drugs, and yes his solo career is nothing special.

Oh and thanks for ruining Monster Man you bastard, here i put a video of the whole thing:

And this is the original Monster Man:

For real i'm hating him so much what are those dogs barks? and that beat? he is such a delusional bastard and that description on I-tunes is so full of itself "This eccentrically titled solo release from Mike Doughty — the prolific founder of '90's alt-rock act Soul Coughing" so not even honesty goes in there after years of bad mouting the band now you are the founder of the avant garde band... unbelievable.

Posted by Doomroar - September 4th, 2013

Nothing to see here... im just replacing my old post in a hopeless intent to cloud your memories, to drive them away, away from my promises, promises of uploading something made in a canvas, and maybe resembling giant demonic figures...

But... meanwhile you can feast your eyes in the greatness of one of Master Zdzislaw Beksinski's Paintings

and here links to some galleries:


im thinking on making the next disappointment post with the Master Hieronymus Bosch, sounds good don't ya think?

So it continues with still another cliche tittle!

Posted by Doomroar - April 4th, 2012

Alright i will be posting some of my stuff here but meanwhile for the disappointing part, i will leave you with an image made by the great Barlowe .

as a side note goes without saying don't expect that my work get as near as these guys men just think about it if i were that good i would have made this long ago.

For once the aforementioned text is actually true!

So it begins with a cliche title...